FUKUSHIMA UPDATES: RWT Episode 7 & Ohio Exopolitics Radio

The topic of discussion is the ongoing Fukushima nuclear meltdown with Crystal Clark & co-host Mhairead MacDonald and very special guests.

These individuals are, without question, some of the most important, educated, and leading voices on the past, present, and undoubtedly future horrors of the systemic corruption and renegade science of (and behind) the nuclear industry:

Kevin Blanch (artist, anti-nuclear activist and post-fukushima AML Leukemia survivor), Andrew Ebisu (anti-nuclear activist and filmmaker).

Their individual and tireless contributions to bettering the human condition can be found at the links above and easily followed via youtube and Facebook subscriptions for current updates.

Thanks to David Corso for publication permission: WolfSpiritRadio

Kevin Blanch:WEBSITE: thepostignoranceproject
Andrew Ebisu: FACEBOOK: On Fukushima Beach
We are affiliated with Information-Machine


Source: http://exopoliticsohio.us/

Mark Snider hosts Crystal Clark and James Horak who discuss the most impacting of events, Fukushima in detail with attention to concerns others have declined to address, like that of the China Syndrome. Signs of isotopic particle contamination have spread to even middle America while focus on leaking reactors elsewhere is coming more and more into fashion. The time has come to take a stand on important truths about nuclear safety, carefully weighing the industry’s value versus its risks. These are the issues the show will examine. -JCH



th (20)RACE WITH TIME RADIO Airs live this evening from 7-9pm PST on www.wolfspiritradio.com. The topic of discussion is the ongoing Fukushima nuclear meltdown with co-host Mhairead MacDonald and three very special guests.

These three individuals are, without question, some of the most important, educated, and leading voices on the past, present, and undoubtedly future horrors of the systemic corruption and renegade science of (and behind) the nuclear industry: Kevin Blanch (artist, anti-nuclear activist and post-fukushima AML Leukemia survivor), Andrew Ebisu (anti-nuclear activist and filmmaker), and Christina Consolo (anti-nuclear activist and mutation researcher). Their individual and tireless contributions to bettering the human condition can be found at the links below and easily followed via youtube and Facebook subscriptions for current updates:

Christina Consolo (aka RADCHICK):

Kevin Blanch:

Andrew Ebisu:


Our regularly scheduled program for this evening is being re-scheduled for technical reasons. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and want to thank our Fukushima Roundtable guests for their patience and willingness to participate in educating our fellow man about one of the most important issues we currently face.

These three individuals are, without question, some of the most important, educated, and leading voices on the past, present, and undoubtedly future horrors of the systemic corruption and renegade science of (and behind) the nuclear industry: Kevin Blanch (anti-nuclear activist and post-fukushima AML Leukemia survivor), Andrew Ebisu (anti-nuclear activist and filmmaker), and Christina Consolo (anti-nuclear activist and mutation researcher). Their individual and tireless contributions to bettering the human condition can be found at the links below and easily followed via youtube and Facebook subscriptions for current updates:

Christina Consolo (aka RADCHICK):

Kevin Blanch:

Andrew Ebisu:



Until we get the Fukushima Roundtable rescheduled, I’ll leave you with some information I intended to share during the show. This information comes from one of the most important (yet still largely unknown) scientists and philosophers of our time, Walter Russell. Today, few know that it was he who, in 1926, rewrote the periodic tables which provided the understandings through which atomic energy and bombs were made possible. The following comes from his book, ATOMIC SUICIDE (First Edition 1957, Second Edition 1981). This knowledge explains WHAT radiation is, and HOW it kills.

thCA3G9OW6“Radiation is the normal death principle. Everything in Nature dies normally by slowly radiating its heat. Radioactivity is the explosive, quick death principle. Radioactivity is man’s discovery of how the human race can die quickly, and not be able to propagate its kind for many long centuries. MULTIPLIED DEATH is the new boon which this age of man believes he is giving to the furtherance of life.

The complete argument of this story is based on the fact that mankind does not know what either life or death is, nor that the plan he is now making is assisting Nature in her death process by helping you to die instead of to live.

The real fallacy of nuclear fission for industry is that these so-called deadly poisonous gases from the radioactive elements in reactors, and in the waste products, which are encased in concrete and buried in the sea to protect human life from their admitted dangers, are not poisons in their own environment underground, where they are serving a necessary purpose of helping to make it possible for organic life to live upon this planet. Man makes them poisonous by removing them from their purposeful environment to place them in an abnormal environment unsuited to their normal environment.

Animal and vegetable life are dependent upon the upper few feet of the earth’s crust to live. The soil must have humus, nitrogen, carbonic gas, oxygen and water. These so-called deadly radioactive poisons are preparing the soil for oxygen dependent live to live by causing countless billions of microscopic explosions in the rock formations underground to release water and other necessities for human life and vegetation. In their proper place in Nature they are fulfilling their useful purposes. They are vitally necessary where they are. They are of benefit to man when underground and distributed in rocks. It is only when we dig them out from under the ground and condense tons of harmless rock to ounces of deadly free metal, such as uranium piles, that we make the earth uninhabitable for man.

The radioactive metals are giving out their quick death to the rocks in which they are embedded for the purpose of expanding the rocks into soil and water which mothers life—water and soil are decaying life. It should not be dug up from the ground to expand human beings into quick death.

Walter Russell on Radiation vs. Radioactivity:

Life cannot live without heat. It is created by heat and must have it—it is good for you. It warms you to a normalcy of temperature and expands your body cells in perfect attunement with their compression sequences—it synchronizes with the rhythms of your breathing and your pulse beat.

Radioactivity gives you more heat than you can stand. It sends millions of alpha ray bullets into your body which accumulate all of your life and raise your temperature, readjusting your entire metabolism until your body cells explode from their accumulated heat and expand beyond their normalcy. A fever is too much heat and means [causes] expanded body cells and red blood corpuscles…your environment demands a proper amount of heat, which will become impossible when your present normal environment is made abnormal by countless billions of alpha and niton rays which will bombard you constantly and show their effects in leukemia, bone cancer, deformed children and many other effects. All things in nature die normally by slow expansion. Radioactivity is multiplied expansion—it helps man die from explosively quick expansion.

These killers are the invisible metallic death rays which penetrate every cell of your body with ultra-microscopic poison metal bullets at speeds of around 160,000 miles per second.

Decay & radioactivity are one, except that radioactivity is fast decay. Above ground, dead bodies kill living bodies instead of borning them. That is why oxygen and free radioactive metals cannot co-exist. That is why thousands of tons of radioactive death in plutonium, strontium, thorium, radium and the other nearly dead elements used in reactor plants and discarded as  waste, will gradually consume the earth’s atmosphere and its oceans if not prevented from allowing the dead to remain buried, instead of resurrecting it to kill the living. That is what radioactivity is: It multiplies the frequencies of slow, invisible radiation to fast visible radioactive fusion.” –Walter & Lao Russell, Atomic Suicide

RACE WITH TIME Episode #5: Fukushima Radiation Round Table – World-wide Killer on the Loose by Design

Race With Time Episode 5 – James Horak Round Table with Kevin Blanch, Andrew Ebisu, Mhairead McDonald, Christina Consolo aka Radchick and David Corso on WolfSpiritRadio – 25. Oct. 2013

“Three leading voices in the anti-nuclear movement speak out. Kevin Blanch, Andrew Ebisu and Christina Consolo are our guests thanks to co-host Mhairead McDonald. A full three hours of information that offers all appreciable aspects of the most imposing environmental threat humanity has faced, Fukushima.”  JCH

When Crystal asked me if I would stand on for her to do this show on this particular topic, I was hesitant, I have never done anything like this before and did not feel knowledgeable enough to cover it adequately.  But I knew that if I could get some of the Fukushima truth activists on board it could be something that would give people some much needed Insights and information into an event that is proving to be the worst environmental catastrophe of our times, the consequences of which are horrific in a multitude of ways. We are all affected by this. Many are already dying and as is pointed out in the discussion cancers are on the rise. It is a nightmare, it was from the start, and we are not dreaming. Our planet is in grave danger as this adds to the stresses already placed here through the continued insanity of those who exploit and rape this earth for greed beyond measure.

So many are still in a fog of confusion and denial regarding the multiple issues that are part of the topic and I know that James agrees with me that nothing is more important than this, as Kevin Blanche would say right here, right now. If you are not moved by Kevin’s activism, his creative intensity and knowledge, then I despair, take a look in the mirror that he holds up to you. His passion and activism is life long and he has continued throughout his treatment of AML Leukaemia and is still alive against all odds. He is a true warrior, and I do not use that term lightly these days.

I am so grateful to him for his work and his contribution to this discussion. I was over joyed that he took the time out to be with us. I approached Andrew Ebisu early on as I had watched all his beautifully crafted films and shared them with James and others. Andrew could not have been more gracious with his time and his input and I thank him for that, it is an honour to meet someone who is in integrity and just as Kevin has the passion, so does Andrew have the tenacity and the depth.

Last, but by no means least, I thank Christina Consolo for stepping in on short notice and contributing up to the minute reports after the quake had hit Fukushima that day, along with great insights into her data. She is another grass roots activist in the movement who provides information on a daily basis, and there are a few who do such vital work on utube, and like Kevin says they were there early in the piece doing the heavy lifting. It is my hope that this discussion will contribute to the cause, please see the links to those who took part share and talk about the topics covered with others, support the work of these individuals any way you can. Two hours of listening in a world where precious time is running out, is not much to ask. Thank you James, Crystal, Dave Corso of Wolf Spirit Radio for his generous heart. Shuny and Patrice for the editing, image and upload. Exposure to Truth is what we all work so hard for.

Kevin Blanch is on FB and has a Youtube channel

Andrew Ebisu Youtube you will find his films On Fukushima Beach, 1, 2 and, 3 there, please subscribe and support.

Radchick links: Youtube, Facebook, Fukushimafacts

The Battle for Chernobyl, a must watch, along with Nuclear Controversies (turn off Chinese captions in top right hand corner)