Part One
By Crystal Clark
December 16, 2011

This was hands down my favorite scene from the well known Avatar movie, by James Cameron. A truly fascinating and necessary view in many ways, as were other themes presented by this film, that surely also deserve deeper consideration.

As you’ll likely recall, this idea was posed to the main character of the film by the Shaman of the tribe he was initially conned into infiltrating for nefarious reasons. Upon agreeing to let him spend time with their tribe, she states: We’ll see if your insanity can be cured. But what exactly did this Shaman mean? There are many different layers to this, and before we move on to the deeper ones, I would like to express a broader yet more practical view, via an old story.

A wealthy businessman went to visit an old friend who lived a simple life in a village on the coast. After a long day of catching up, they retired to hammocks swaying in the breeze under coconut trees, as they watched the sun set over the ocean.

The businessman asked his friend, “How do you survive out here?” The village man replied, “We gather fruit from the trees, and there is an abundance of fish in the ocean here.” The businessman inquired a little more about the abundant fishing in the area, and upon realizing the commodity of abundance, began to tell his village friend how much money he could make if he opened a commercial fishing business.

The village man sat quietly as his old friend explained that he could start out with one small commercial fishing vessel, and then slowly build an empire. And though it may take years of hard work to build this empire, at some point his village friend could retire a wealthy man. The businessman began to explain, “You could eventually earn enough money to live on an island, fish for yourself, and… sit in a hammock each night… watching the sun set over the ocean,” he slowly trailed off.

Recognizing that his friend had just been confronted with the absurdity of his own life, he simply smiled at the businessman, before nodding understandingly back to the beauty of the darkening golden jewel in the sky, slowly sinking into an abyss of blue glass.

This is but one form of insanity we have come to accept, but again, there were other themes in this exceptional film that also deserve our attention. It became somewhat well known, after the film came out, that viewers began to suffer from what was coined “Avatar Depression”. On the surface, most would ascribe this to how pointedly the story line had us confronting what we’ve done to our own planet. An important lesson, to be sure, but there was a greater message: What we will do to other planets, if we are allowed to expand out into the stars before we grow out of the insanity.

Given the relentless, generational mental programming of entirely nonsensical views of reality, the importance of this understanding cannot be overstated. I grew up on many of the same Science Fiction movies as most others, and how could we ever forget the famous line, “Luke, I am your Father”.

Yoda’s character was exceptional and before its time in many ways, but the rest is nothing more than a projection—into outer spaceof our own insanity. Until we outgrow this insanity, mankind will struggle once more to become a fully manifested civilization. There are always rules and guidelines in place for creation to exist, and this applies to ourselves traveling out into the stars as well.

If we cannot outgrow the need, or even acceptance, of commoditizing and subsequently destroying the very things that give us life for profit, the cosmic or Universal Community is off limits to us. As strange or even cruel as that statement may appear, honestly ask yourself this question by putting the shoe on the other foot: If you were a member of the Universal Community, would YOU allow humans into your neighborhood, knowing they have the technological ability combined with unchecked insanity, to destroy your own planet? Or even the planets of others?

This was a strong message that the Avatar film conveyed, even if only on a subconscious level, and I strongly suspect this was a co-contributor to Avatar Depression. At the same time, it was an absolutely beautiful film, because it so accurately reflected our selves back to us in ways that really count—in ways we can tremendously benefit from if we’re willing to see our reality as it is, and therefore grow beyond it.

I’m well aware of what that tiny voice is whispering to many of you, in the back of your mind… What about the moon? It isn’t a real planet—it’s just like the Death Star that Darth Vader was building. Or, what about Zechariah Sitchin’s work, and how he explained planetary space wars and the destruction of entire worlds? Isn’t that just like what Hollywood has shown us over the years? Of course it is! That’s the problem. We’ll get to that in Part Two.

I honestly don’t know how long it will take people to see that the Laws of Man, and the Laws of Creation are so far out of synch, that our very survival is in question. Does Hollywood teach you the Laws and Principles of Creation? How about your Pastors and Universities? More importantly, are they all funded by the same people?

Avatar was an exceptional film, because it dared us to see things (including ourselves) as they truly are. Are we up to the challenge these truths present us with? Based on the Global Revolutions taking place, I would say yes. We have a lot of work to do, but that’s the beauty of the lesson: It is OUR work, and everyday I see more and more people leaving the illusion long enough to take up that challenge. As this movement and awareness of what really matters grows, better days and a fully manifested race of extraordinary human beings into the Extended Community of forever, becomes more and more a surety. This is no small thing…

Blessings on your continued journey, Crystal Clark

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