I am petitioning you on behalf of the entire Earth-bound human race, not just as a wife, daughter, and mother to my immediate family, but also as a human being with a strong moral compass and deep love for rest of my human family.

It is thanks to the efforts of the one we know as James Horak that your perspective on our lineage, and your role in our collective outcome, was made known to us. Not just in relation to ways you have aided our ailing planet, but also as part of the system we here refer to as our “judgement”. That system, carefully erected to protect the greater whole of which you are a part, is, in my view, both wise and understandable—understandably necessary—even to me. It is not beyond my ability to grasp, nor to be thankful for such a system when dark days meant to blot out any joy or personal freedom from which the souls here might otherwise partake, are being endlessly engineered by the least among us—against the rest of us. That the reach of what we call “evil” is limited in both time and space by such a system of Judgement, is indeed, a very comforting thought to me.

The split-consciousness, for which our race has apparently become so well-known and perhaps defined by, does not impede my ability to understand or appreciate your perspective and desires in those regards. At the same time, I do sincerely wonder, if your lack of personal experience in living with split-consciousness makes it more difficult for you to understand our lives and perspectives from the outside. On behalf of the other 8 billion souls here, I humbly ask for your indulgence while I share that perspective with you, during this most crucial stage of our development.

It is so often astonishing to me that our race has been able to accomplish so much with so little. We have no conscious recall of our past lives and sojourns, virtually no access to the collective consciousness or our genetic memory. We live short lives well below that of 144 years—which we sleep 1/3 of—and yet, despite all of this, are still full of love, hope, joy, goodness, empathy, courage, creativity, and yes, even a strong moral core. When presented with factual information, we will make extraordinary sacrifices to defeat great evil (tyranny), right serious wrongs and ensure that justice is served and prevails so that our children will progress to more abundant, fulfilling and happier lives.

In knowing all of those things to be true, one is of course left wondering why, then, is our lineage doing so poorly, which is an understatement at best? The difficulty that the good people have here, in coming to terms with the fact that some of their own kind could be as cruel and aberrant as they actually are, was eloquently expressed by one of our past leaders:

“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”

― J. Edgar Hoover

Despite this handicap, the ability of most humans to reason—when presented with factual information—serves us very well. That is to say, most of the people here genuinely are good people and absolutely would do the right thing, if they absolutely knew what it was. When the institutions we depend on to provide us with accurate reality models through unadulterated science and history become corrupted by agenda, knowing what is right becomes exceedingly difficult. When those objective understandings are manipulated or lost to a people, personal and collective suffering becomes the teacher instead. Whether this pattern of learning and growth is true of all fledgling cultures during their own tests, or is unique to those of us with split-consciousness alone, I wouldn’t know.  

In this regard collective ignorance has become the crux of the matter here. The one primary repeating pattern that continually allows for tyranny to rise and take hold: only in the face of ignorance can our goodness be used against us. And used against us it is, relentlessly in recent years especially, in extremely cruel and even grotesque ways. This is true to the degree that a pre-dumbing down of the populace is a known pre-requisite by tyrants—that this phase of manipulation is a necessary component to their successful rise to power and the horrors which will then soon follow—coupled with the reality that the public at large does NOT know this. Nor can the public be allowed to know this, if the rise of tyrannical regimes is to be successful, which only increases the size and reach of the censorship apparatus erected to both prevent it, and punish those who breach it.

Our end is naturally hastened when earth-bound humans, in increasingly growing numbers, begin to participate in their own demise out of ignorance under the false pretense of doing the opposite. The marriage of ignorance and goodness, when weaponized through such mad designs, leaves little in the way of any hope for the future of a people who cannot come to understand this, before it’s too late.

At the same time, we earth-bounds have a saying, “The truth will out”. It always comes out, but it is my sincere belief that because of the way in which the split-consciousness affects memory especially, it takes much longer for that ‘outing’ to occur, and therefore so does any meaningful course-correction, based on those new understandings and revelations.

This has been the cross-generational tragedy of our current lineage, perhaps even all of them—a tragedy I would like very much to avoid during this, our final attempt at getting it right: to have our lineage destroyed just when its people are finally seeing the truth—en masse—that they have been lied to their entire lives about everything of any genuine significance to moral core. That their goodness HAS been used against them in terrible ways, even to the detriment of those they love most, and for this they will demand a reckoning. More importantly, they are already beginning to make those demands.  

Nearly 25 years ago I learned through dreams what would happen to our civilization if we continued to allow a small group of our people to continually weaponize creation, for use against the rest of us. This information was shared with the public to the best of my abilities in the face of ever increasing censorship. Since that time, for nearly the entire second half of my lifetime here, I have been waiting for this moment to arrive…always searching, scanning, observing, diligently looking for the signs of courage, strength, clarity and understanding necessary to prevent it.

After these many long years, and in this very late hour, I have finally seen that tidal wave of clarity begin to wash over the people; finally seen the spark of moral outrage begin to take root in the hearts and minds of the people here, now spreading among them like an unstoppable wildfire. Yet this moment, so longed for, and the feeling of joy and hope I expected to be filled with upon its arrival, is instead being overshadowed with a pervasive sense of anguish:  that they have come to the truth too late.

That your patience for our struggle has worn thin, and that simultaneously, our deranged and self-appointed ‘elite’ have similarly lost patience in tolerating the growing number of accusing faces looking back at them. For too few of us, it has been exceedingly obvious that their attempts to de-populate (covertly murder) over 7 billion people here, is the only solution they have to those same billions of people finally understanding both the reality of their situation, as well as those responsible for it. As righteous anger and its demands for Justice increase dramatically, so too will the danger to those demanding it. This is undeniable.

My love for the good people on this planet is such that I would do everything I can to see that this extraordinary moment of clarity, achieved through long-endured suffering and despite the enormous odds against them, is not so easily undone by the self-interested conniving of the mattoid few.

I am necessarily compelled then, to petition you on their behalf, not just for your extended patience, but also your help and support during this most crucial and pivotal moment. In this, I do not ask the impossible, for you to save us from ourselves. Nor is it ourselves, collectively, that we need saving from. Rather it is a small but exceedingly aberrant faction of our own people waging an insidious and secret war against the other 8 billion people who are only now beginning to fully understand this.

This mattoid faction, waging a cross-generational war against the rest of our people, always operating in the shadows of our ignorance, has secretly developed weapons systems for use in this war, that the rest of us do not yet fully comprehend the full scope, abilities or ramifications of. As you know, this includes everything from the presence and weaponization of the EBE’s, biologics, environment degradation, frequencies, and facilities like HAARP and CERN. Many people here still do not understand the reality and nature of these weapons and systems, nor do we know where they are all located or operating from—but you might. Nor does the public have direct access to space-based weapons and satellite systems to manually disable them. But you might.

For many years our people have wondered if an ‘outside influence’ was repeatedly responsible for CERN’s inability to function correctly, rumors that I very much believe to be true. In the absence of any evidence one way or the other, beyond hope, belief is all I have. Tomorrow, April 8th 2024, CERN is being fired up again, reportedly to its highest ever levels, and I would very much like to see that attempt also fail. Once the rest of the human race comes to understand what these facilities are really being used for, they will disable them on their own. This will take time to accomplish–time we desperately need more of.

It is in that same manner of ‘outside influence’ that I ask for your help and support during our final struggle to “get over the hump”. I fully understand how entirely inappropriate (and fruitless) it would be to have others to fight our battles (or take our tests) for us, and therefore I would never make such a request. However, given the nature of our battle, I’m certainly not beyond asking for much needed help in balancing the equation in ways that at least make it a fair fight. On Earth we call that “evening the odds”.

In that regard, on behalf of the billions of genuinely good people here, your support would be most welcomed, and I am directly requesting it with all sincerity, in whatever manner you are willing and able to safely provide it.    

This request is not being made lightly, nor because I feel I have the right to. I make it simply because I love them, and I want to honor their courage, faith, hope and tireless efforts towards something better—especially when they need it the most—to give them the better fighting chance that they deserve. It is in the spirit of love and hope that this call goes out to you, the same spirit with which I hope it will be received, weighed and considered.

Should you accept that request, and should we finally make it over that hump, I look forward to our civilizations one day meeting and sharing our incredible stories of triumph in person. That will be a good, good day.

Sincerely and with gratitude for all of your past efforts,

Crystal Clark


  1. “That the reach of what we call ‘evil’ is limited in both time and space by such a system of Judgement, is indeed, a very comforting thought to me.”

    I envy your comfort. What makes you believe there is a system of Judgement that limits evil in both time and space? All the evidence I have seen doesn’t support that belief.


    • That the previous six lineages are no longer here should be the first obvious clue. That aberrant civilizations are quarantined to their planet until they overcome it is the second obvious clue. While this information has been covered and confirmed by numerous sources for decades, because people are having such difficulty either putting it together for themselves or understanding its implications, the Message series became necessary. Still, James was correct, for many people here, “proof” is pointless—even Yuri Bezmenov discussed this fact when explaining Ideological Subversion. What people choose to believe on their own, more cynical now than ever having been effectively subjected to Stage One: Demoralization, is beyond me, often even beyond reason now.


    • In the embedded video of this article, Yuri specifically explains the four stages of Ideological subversion, and why proof won’t matter to those so heavily and repeatedly subjected to it until they directly suffer. James came to believe that the people here on Earth would not figure things out until they went 3 days without food. I very much hope he’s wrong.


  2. Thank you for the comment RC. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I don’t know what help the extended community (off-earth people) can provide, but I am not too proud to ask. Regardless of whatever support we may get in that regard, its purpose buys us nothing but more time to do the real work ourselves. If we do not change our leadership here on Earth, and quickly, we have no hope for a future. The reasons for this are numerous and obviated for all to see in THE MESSAGE. Please share it with others as often as you can–it is not monetized–it does not ask anyone to “believe”. It only asks them to listen, and then heavily weigh and consider the ramifications of it for themselves:


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