Part Three of the SKULLS, BONES, CHARLOTTE’S WEB, TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS & SOCIALIST CORPORATIONS series is in the works. Part One can be found HERE, Part Two HERE, and both are significant pre-conditions to understanding “what the hell happened to the world” as very few people today seem to know and understand what the ‘capitalist communist conspiracy’ is or means to our futures. If the term “capitalist communist” is new for you, letting go of dogmatic preconceptions is extremely beneficial, as suggested by its seemingly, although not in reality, highly contradictory nature. Part Three, featuring the work of Charlotte Iserbyt, is taking longer than anticipated, and is perhaps the most difficult article/essay this author has ever had to produce. It’s tough to write because it’s so wrong, and yet it happened. Nothing I’ve covered in the past fourteen years has affected me the way this research has.


The most precious part of any civilization is its children. Its children are its future. To see, understand and know, how the most innocent, vulnerable, and beloved among us have been generationally prepared for a lifeless future of corporate/state servitude while considered soulless hackable chattle—what Cynthia Weatherly (video below) rightfully calls “limited learning for life-long labor”—is heart wrenching. It’s absolutely appalling, and the deeper you go, the uglier it gets. Genuinely good people would never let this continue, and I appreciate those of you willing to be one of them, having a willingness to first understand it. The world has never needed you more.

Moreover, the idea that “people already know this is happening” is noxious. Every cell in my body rejects the idea, that while this was and still is being done to all of our children globally—we knew the whole time—but did nothing. That we carried on about our business without ever giving it a second thought or intervening, and in so doing lost our humanity in the process.

If you’re new here, you’ll be unaware that for many years I did joint radio interviews with a man who claimed to be the Judge of humanity. This is not something our small-minded concerns generally like to contemplate. There is no ‘smoking gun’ to prove him out in that regard, nor did he ever care if we believed it—he only wanted us to listen. To understand where we went wrong, in the hopes we may course correct before it’s too late. The enormity of his wisdom was often both beautifully and pointedly expressed through rhetorical simplicity. I often find myself recalling one of the most elegant rhetorical questions he ever asked us: does a civilization that refuses to protect its own children deserve to survive? [See previous post THE BRINK for embedded 2015 interview with the Judge]

The question alone never bothered me because I understand it—it’s a fair question. I also know the answer, as do you. Nor am I bothered with finding myself repeatedly haunted by it these days. What does bother me greatly, is that the world at large isn’t haunted by it because most of them still don’t know, and certainly not at this level. What do we continually allow others to do in our name, to our own children, out of ignorance? What have we done?

He also often spoke of our ambivalence here, as though it was some mesmerizing, paralyzing force that we refused to overcome, to our own peril. He wasn’t wrong about that last part. That millions, perhaps even billions of our children are vigorously participating in their own demise out ignorance, under the false pretense of doing the exact opposite, is our fault. We let it happen. It’s still happening, accelerating even, yet most of us can’t even define what “it” is.

This is but one of many unfolding tragedies in our current human dilemma, but if it were indeed the most important metric by which to judge a civilization as being worthy of continuance, it would also be the most important issue needing correction. In order to correct that problem, or any other problem, we first have to study it. The incredible work and painstakingly documented study and history of how this happened, and what ‘this’ is, was given to the world by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt. Because her work was so thorough and voluminous in that regard, and because our children deserve so much better, it’s exceedingly important to this author to do it justice. In the interim this is a small but incredibly eye-opening taste of things to come.


Below is the Foreword from the late Charlotte Iserbyt’s book, THE DELIBERATE DUMBING DOWN OF AMERICA (2009, 2011). Because globalism means what it says on the box and is the driving force behind the mal-education of our youth worldwide, I encourage readers to replace “America” with their own nation:

“Charlotte Iserbyt is to be greatly commended for having put together the most formidable and practical compilation of documentation describing the “deliberate dumbing down” of American children by their education system. Anyone interested in the truth will be shocked by the way American social engineers have systematically gone about destroying the intellect of millions of American children for the purpose of leading the American people into a socialist world government controlled by behavioral and social scientists.

Mrs. Iserbyt has also documented the gradual transformation of our once academically successful education system into one devoted to training children to become compliant human resources to be used by government and industry for their own purposes. This is how fascist-socialist societies train their children to become servants of their government masters. The successful implementation of this new philosophy of education will spell the end of the American dream of individual freedom and opportunity. The government will plan your life for you, and unless you comply with government restrictions and regulations your ability to pursue a career of your own choice will be severely limited.

What is so mind boggling is that all of this is being financed by the American people themselves through their own taxes. In other words, the American people are underwriting the destruction of their own freedom and way of life by lavishly financing though federal grants the very social scientists who are undermining our national sovereignty and preparing our children to become dumbed-down vassals of the new world order. It reminds one of how the Nazis charged their victims train fare to their own doom.

One of the interesting insights revealed by these documents is how the social engineers use a deliberately created education “crisis” to move their agenda forward by offering reforms that are sold to the public as fixing the crisis–which they never do. The new reforms simply set the stage for the next crisis, which provides the pretext for the next move forward. This is the dialectical process our behavioral engineers have learned to use very effectively. Its success depends on the ability of the “change agents” to continually deceive the public which tends to believe anything experts tell them.

And so, our children continue to be at risk in America’s schools. They are at risk academically because of such programs as Whole Language, Mastery Learning, Direct Instruction, Skinnerian Operant Conditioning, all of which have created huge learning problems that inevitably lead to what is commonly known as Attention Deficit Disorder and the drugging of four million children with the powerful drug Ritalin. Mrs. Iserbyt has dealt extensively with the root causes of immorality relativism (no right/no wrong ethics). She raises a red flag regarding the current efforts of left-wing liberals and right-wing conservatives (radical center) to come up with a new kid on a new block—“common ground” character education—which will, under the microscope, turn out to be the same warmed-over Values Education alert parent groups have resisted for over fifty years. This is a perfect example of the Hegelian Dialectic at work.

The reader will find this book a plethora of information that will leave no doubt in the mind of the serious researcher exactly where the American education system is headed. If we wish to stop this juggernaut toward a socialist fascist system, then we must restore educational freedom to America. Americans forget that the present government education system started as a Prussian import in the 1840’s–50’s. It was a system built on Hegel’s belief that the state was “God” walking on earth. The only way to restore educational freedom, and put education back into the hands of parents where it belongs, is to get the federal government, with its coercive policies, out of education. The billions of dollars being spent by the federal government to destroy educational freedom must be halted, and that can only be done by getting American legislators to understand that the American people want to remain a free people, in charge of their own lives and the education of their children.”


Longtime readers/listeners will recall that while working in the tech industry nearly 25 years ago, this author hired a group of programmers to provide technical support to clients, and upon mentioning my desire to home school my son, was warned not to, followed by an incredible admission from the patriarch of the group: he wrote the code the government was using to track all of our children. He was genuinely remorseful, even distraught over it, but said he needed the money for his cancer treatments and knew that if he didn’t do it, someone else still would have. That was around 2001, and the context of the conversation made it obvious he had done the work earlier in his career. That’s how long the child tracking component of the program being discussed by Cynthia Weatherly (end of article) has been up and running—it started in the late 1980’s to early 1990’s.

To impress upon the public the importance of this material, especially in terms of how it was always meant to override the right to self-determination by the individual in a system we now call the Great Reset, I have transcribed the first 15 minutes of her testimony. Take a deep breath and buckle up.

“I guess I’m guilty of coming up with the term ‘limited learning for life long labor’ so I might want to tell you a little bit about how I came to that term. It goes back to something probably all of you have experienced, and you may not realize it. Back in the late eighties, early nineties, we were in the throes of moving from Competency-based education to Outcome-based education, and during that process all of our states came up with curriculum-based testing: Curriculum-Based Assessment (CBA).

And of course I talked earlier in the film about the definition of ‘assessment’, finding the definition of assessment, and realizing what it meant was ‘assigning a value for tax purposes’ to a human being—to a person—assigning a value. And when you think of all the assessments that we have in education, what that boils down to is the process of assigning a value. Every time we assess, we are assigning a value to the person being assessed. And when we have the curriculum-based assessments, that were put in states all over the country—ours were divided into three segments—which I think was pretty standard for most states. We had the language-based, we had the math-based, and then there was a career-development-based assessment. It may have been called some other things in other states, but career development was what it was called in Georgia.

Nobody ever talked about the career development section, but it was there. And when I went to see my child’s permanent record…I had opportunity to go and see her record, and when I did, I noticed that in the CBA’s—the curriculum-based assessments, which, she was in the 5th grade so she had had it the first time in the 4th grade. It was the 4th grade, the 8th grade, and the 11th grade was called the Exit Exam. It still is I believe. But at any rate, in seeing that, I realized she had a score for something I didn’t know anything about. I could kind of wrap my brain around ‘math-based’, ‘language-based’, but ‘career development’—what was that?

And so I asked the Principle at the Middle School, who said he really had no idea. Well I had a friend in the Elementary School, so I went back to him and sat down with him and said, “You know I would like, since my daughter took that test, in your school, I would like to know what this is, and what it’s used for”. Of course he told me, quite frankly, “We don’t use any of that information”. He said, “It’s not part of anything we do here”. He said, “I really can’t tell you what they use it for”. And I said I would really like to see it, and he let me see it. He said, “I’ll put it right here on my desk, and I need to go and do something for a few minutes and you can look at it while I’m gone”.

And so I did, and that led me to then later on getting a copy of it, because I realized it had nothing to do with careers or talking about what you might do for the future or whatever…it [wasn’t] based on critical thinking, it was all based on attitudes. I went to the State School Board—someone had sent me a copy of the test. And I went to the State School Board to make a presentation, and in that presentation I read from the test, which I was not supposed to have, and I owned up to that. I owned up to the fact I had something I wasn’t supposed to have, but they didn’t take it away from me. I read a sample, which was:

Johnny and Suzy road bicycles to school. When Johnny parked his bicycle Suzy knocked it over (it didn’t specify whether it was an accident or not). Johnny should (and you had three responses listed):

A. Knock Suzy’s bike over

B. Have a party and not invite Suzy

C. Not speak to Suzy

Those were the three responses, there was not a fourth, ‘none of these apply’, (or) whatever. And so I asked the School Board, “Which one of these would you teach your child to respond, in that certain circumstance?” And of course nobody would use any of those, but there was one correct answer. You had to have a correct answer, to get a score on this test. My daughter had had to give a ‘correct’ answer. So I realized, and I tried to tell them, “You’re scoring, you’re testing something here that’s not testable—and certainly not ‘preparing’ anyone. What is this, and how do you apply it?”

Well then we found out, of course we had been doing research in that everything was going to be computerized, it was becoming computerized at that time, and this was in the early 1990’s, actually in the late 1980’s. Beyond that, we got into computerization of just about everything, and a number of us had found the handbooks that were coming out of the Federal Department of Statistics. And the handbooks were all coded, you know, with categories and so forth, and everything had a code number—and all these things had code numbers. So whatever she scored, and whatever she answered on that test, had a place that could match up with that code.

So we were trying to say, “This is not healthy, why do you need this information, what are you going to do with it”? And then of course as time went on we realized we were into the thing with the “SCANS”—the Secretaries Commission on Necessary Skills in the workplace and so forth. That tied to the computerized data processing. And so this assessment process is really quite vile. Because you realize, over time, that there’s a profile being created of your child.

And this business of “life long labor” comes into your child being profiled and programmed, into the match-up of where you are going to go. Even in the schools around here you’ve got the “tracks” (TRAC)—you’ve got a Cause track, you’ve got an Art track, you’ve got a this track, you’ve got a that track. And early on, earlier and earlier and earlier, you know, they keep putting them in the track. Well it’s this type of assessment that allows them to get you into the right track–the “right track”. But that’s kind of how ‘limited learning for life long labor” came about.

Of course we’ve gone so far down the road since then, with doing this, and with putting our children in these boxes. And i’ll never forget this story—I love this story, it’s in the book: There was a School Board member out in California who was a doctor, a practicing doctor, whose child was in the 7th grade or something, and they were taking these career tests, and so he decided to do the same thing. So he asked to go take the Career Inventory at the school. And so he did.

He took the Career Inventory at the school, and of course he said he tried to slant his answers towards the fact that he would be a practicing doctor. You know, that’s what he would do with his life. And when his scores came back, he could be, what was it, he could be a truck driver, a brick layer, or I think it was a hair dresser. I mean those were his options. On this career test.

He had written a letter to the Nation School Board Association to say, “Something is wrong here.” And I agree. But he was demonstrating the fact that evidently, those were things needed in his area [by corporations], and so they were channeling him into what they needed him to be. And if he had followed that track, you know, he never would have been a practicing doctor.

So it’s kind of a stra—it’s a very ominous situation we find ourselves in. As far as the future is concerned. Because of this controlling of the populace, and the idea that we have these profit making entities—which in a Capitalist system that’s what we have, we have profit making entities that are producing things, that are designing things or whatever—and they are expecting the tax supported public schools to send them on line, ready to go, workers; to do their worker training.

Now see, I can remember back when that was not true. That when a company moved into a town—I worked for a short time, for the Chamber of Commerce, and I’ve confessed this—and so we would try to make available, when a company moved into town, a producer like Firestone or something, worked with the local vocational ed training center, to make sure they had the equipment or whatever, so that they could train workers. Now see, this was post graduation. This was not public education. And, the company then, would pay for the training, and the vocational school would do it.

Now, that makes sense—these are profit-making entities—and they’re using their profits to train their people, to do things the way they want them done. However, what we have now, is “partnering” with schools. And so these companies move in and partner with the school, and then they want the school to send them ready-made workers. And they’re not paying for anything, it’s our tax money that’s training these workers to go—for them to make a profit. There’s something wrong there, that’s not quite on target. It just seems we have just glossed over this. Nobody talks about it, and it just keeps going and building and building, and more and more power is vested in those who are making these decisions.

And then we have groups like Gates, and Murdoch, and Pearson, and all of them that are making huge amounts of money, on hardware, software and so forth, for the schools, to sell to schools, so they are also designing the schools. And, funding Charter Schools—and other companies. I remember gong to this Second Annual Model Schools Conference, Willard Daggett, and having lunch at a table with some people who were there to be trained by Daggett—they were from a School Board in Michigan—how to work with the School Board. There was a representative there from a pharmaceutical company, and then there was a counselor who was from a school system, and then her husband who was a school board member. They were going to learn how to work this out, where the companies could then have the workers–the children come over—in their facilities and get credits and all that sort of thing.

And I remember asking the lady who was a counselor…I said, “Let me ask you something”. And she said “Yes”, and I said, “When you went to college, did you start out where you ended up? Did you start out planning to be counselor?” And she said, “Oh no, I think I changed my major about three times.” And I said, “Oh, that’s pretty typical”—generally speaking, because most of us don’t know what we want at 18 years old. But, I said, “I am curious, since that’s the case, are you living where you grew up? Did you grow up in this town, in Michigan”? And she said, “Oh no”—she was from some other state.

And the fellow that was from the chemical (pharmaceutical) company was beginning to catch on to where my questions were leading, but she hadn’t caught on. And I just said, “You know, do you think that maybe the children who are going to school in your school, might like to have these same opportunities to make other choices, once they’re out of school? You know, to get an education and then decide what they want to do with their lives”? I said, “Do you think maybe, if you had been living there and going through this process, you might not have wanted to be trained to do something else before you got out of high school, and be locked into something for the rest of your life”? And her husband said, “I don’t think that would have suited her at all”.

And I said, “Well I just wonder, how you’re doing this for all these other children”? And I said, “This is your—as a counselor—you’re guiding them and moving them towards these situations”. I said, “You know, there’re not going to have many choices, based on what you’re talking about here today. If your school, if these schools are going to be linked in, to this company”. And she didn’t have much to say after that.


“If education is beaten by training, civilization dies.” –C.S. Lewis

The entire 49 minute interview with Cynthia Weatherly from 2014 is posted at the end of this article, and I strongly encourage readers to watch it in its entirety. Before posting it, there are several connections that need to be made, between material in that small segment alone, and how the education system was co-opted by Capitalist Communists and their multi-national socialist corporations to begin preparing and training our children for a life of corporate-state servitude, that, as this author has pointed to many times, will look very much like the Hunger Games. As explained in a previous article, the mislabeled Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) “trade” treaty that Capitalist Communists attempted to foist upon the world in 2013 (which Trump pulled us out of), was written by 300 corporations for the purpose of giving them a legal status and authority ABOVE that of nation states. The link to that article is below, along with several others in direct relation to the topic of “limited learning for life long labor”.

Longtime readers will know this author, in a 2009 book, heavily discussed the use of data mining to collate and understand an individual’s personal disposition—what I refer to as a “disposition matrix” in reference to Obama having re-branded his “drone strike kill list” to a “disposition matrix” to keep the public from realizing what he was really doing, to make the point. But here I encourage the reader to realize this ‘data’ is also captured and used in other ways—ways that don’t just weed dissenters out, but also ensure that the pliable, or those with a particular psychological bent, are brought in. Specifically given positions of authority even. The public may remember, roughly ten years ago, police departments began using a particular set of psychological questions in their applications/testing, the TSA later did the same, and even banks literally began using the official psychopath trait checklist as a hiring guide just before the 2008 financial crash. That was covered in a 2014 documentary called THE PSYCHOPATH NEXT DOOR, embedded in an article HERE.

Her reference to a “Model Schools” program/conference certainly caught my attention because this sounds eerily similar to the “UN Model Regions” program previously covered in an article HERE detailing the transition of local police forces in America, to global police forces.

What becomes exceedingly obvious via the Weatherly material alone, is that globalists (Capitalist Communists) have been remaking the world in their own image for decades in preparation for their Great Reset, beginning with turning our education system into a slave/serf training program. One of the groups involved in this diabolical training, actually has the words “doing good without God” printed directly below their logo, prompting me to address it in a previous article.

As more and more parents become aware of the pedophilic material being taught in schools, and show up to School Board meetings to protest that and numerous other inappropriate things, our infiltrated government tried to label those parents ‘terrorists’. They both need and deserve serious public support in their efforts to stop the madness. If you can’t join them, then get your kids and grandkids out of public schools altogether—including Charter Schools. There are numerous and very good home schooling programs available.

We’re fast approaching a holiday season in which families used to unite and give thanks for all the good things in their lives, including each other. The agenda—foisted upon our children with Skinnerian/Pavlovian behavioral modification and serf-in-training programs, instead of proper freedom-loving education—seeks to rob us of that joy too, having already torn many families apart. It’s time to repair the fractured psyche of our youth, restore familial bonds, and turn away from the road to ruin in favor of building the new neural pathways of hope and evolution, driven by love. The future of our entire civilization depends on us doing that, in perhaps more ways than one. But even if it didn’t…it’s still the right thing to do.


  4. IDEOLOGICAL SUBVERSION–And You Won’t Even Know it’s Happening
  5. THE WINNERS WRITE REALITY: Sanctioned Reality & Manipulation Patterns

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