THE MESSAGE: Is this the only way forward for mankind?

Part of me wants to apologize for not making this documentary sooner, but experience taught me the world wasn’t previously ready for it. It is both my great hope and belief that this has changed.

There is nothing I can do to prepare you for what you’re about to experience, except perhaps to encourage you, in that no matter what you hear, keep going until the end of it. Preconceptions are only a hindrance now, as none of this is going where you expect it will. It certainly didn’t for me, and I personally lived it. Still, this story and Message isn’t my story—it’s OUR story—and it’s up to all of us to write its proper ending…or new beginning.

The Message is being released over time in 6 parts, this is only the Prologue. To be notified of next phase releases of the Message:

  1. Subscribe to for notifications–orange button at top right of this page
  2. Follow DIA on X/twitter: @absurdityreigns (click “people” to find it via the X search bar)
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“Humanity once again stands at a most important fork in the road; a moment exhilarating and exasperating, liberating and terrifying. May we have courage and moral fortitude to choose the path of countless wonders.”

by Crystal Clark
February 24, 2024


19 thoughts on “THE MESSAGE: Is this the only way forward for mankind?

  1.  I appreciate you have put a lot of hard work into this Crystal , going into this and editing and going into the back archived material and interviews . I will share this on, although I dont have much of a social network to do so with.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for the comment M. Nobody really has much of a social network anymore. Anyone not submitting to official narratives has been relegated to information ghettos through endless looping censorship algorithms—with very few exceptions—like Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Roseanne Barr, Elon Musk—and even those will be ‘dealt with’ by that same system eventually. It only takes one of them to break this wide open, and they’re all finally ready for it. It’s the best hope this Message has. Keeping my fingers crossed and pressing on with the next 5 phases of its full release. Thanks for sharing it. Wish more people had your courage to do the same.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes ! I have finally been able to log in to WP as it has been a very long time since I used it . I can re -blog as well when I speak to the other contributer there . It has been a silent site for a few years we backed up a lot of things there. I am contemplating a second X account for that one. I am following you on my main account at X that I had to make after I was * disappeared * on twitter . I shared this there and tagged you.

        I hope you saw my other comment on here Crystal.

        Neil Oliver is another, of course , my fellow countryman and for geo politics I follow the two men who make up the Duran. I start my day with Alex Christoforou. I have followed them for a long while – before Ukraine started so was familiar with Gonzalo L through them.

        Then there is Col MacGregor.

        Yes Joe R and the rest I sub to also – as well as keeping an eye on lex Fridman who did an incredible long form podcast with David Fravor. Joe R interviewed Jacques Vallée and James Fox about his film The Phenomenon -during lock down. And he ( Joe R ) was a ray of hope during the whole * thing* So many good people are on substack as well.

        What started my nudge to look here was an interview with Diana Walsh Pasulka I have seen her book around but never really investigated her ( till now ) I have been very much out of the loop with all of this for various personal reasons. SO ….For now


        Liked by 1 person

  2. No, I don’t consider an official admittance to establish a reasonable degree of confidence, since I don’t trust authorities one bit, knowing that they work for the deceivers, whether wittingly or unwittingly. I too knew vaccines caused great harm long before the COVID scam, which I recognized as a psy-op in February of 2020. I have a long history with “controversial”, so I know what is necessary for a reasonable degree of confidence when dealing with controversy. I do recognize your belief is very deep, but as Robert Anton Wilson was fond of explaining, “Your beliefs imprison you.” I have admired your work for quite a few years, and I expect you to tell your story until the end. I am sure I will appreciate that story and learn from it. I am simply doing what I do, sifting through all stories in an attempt to separate truth from fiction. This is why I asked what made you think the Napoleon story was true, and I thank you for stating your reasons.


    • I appreciate that you take time out of your life to read my articles and make comments—that you took the time to listen to the beginning of the Message–that means a lot to me. I also appreciate that you understand it is not my goal to choose for people, what they should and should not believe. Only they can decide that for themselves. My goal is to be sure, to the best of my abilities, that my fellow man, whom I love dearly, have full access to all the information and possibilities available to them when making that determination. Thank you again, Chico, for taking the time.


  3. I started doing some research about the story of the chip found in Napoleon’s skull, which I had never heard of. I first found it here. Note the date and author, “May 1, 2012 by Erik Van Datiken“. The author’s name seems to be a play on Erich von Däniken. The date is before James Horak died in 2021, so James had plenty of time to have heard of the story. I also am not finding anything about Dr. Andre Dubois, who allegedly found the chip, nor any info on a modern day exhumation of Napoleon’s body that would allow for such a discovery. An earlier 1997 version of the story is here, which I just found as a link in this post. This earlier version is allegedly by George Sanford of Weekly World News, and the doctor finding the chip is now Dr. Antoine Lefebvre.  So I have to ask what information you might have that could suggest the story is not a hoax.


    • You will never find any information proving that it wasn’t a hoax–not on the internet–not about that or a great many other things. James’ philosophy was that, “the question earns the answer”. James never discussed the Napoleon chip until one of our colleagues asked him if the story about the chip was true, in 2013. Only then did he discuss it. Keep in mind these are only extremely small video clips of hours longs interviews on the subject that are still freely available, and not difficult to find. There you will find more information, but at no point will any of that information “logically” explain how James knew what he did, nor how a remote viewer verified his story 10 years later. Google is not going to provide you with what you’re looking for, even if that really was its true purpose, rather than a surveillance and censorship apparatus.


      • Thank you for the response, Crystal. Yes, Internet search results are manipulated and controlled, as is all media. We live in a world of deception, which makes truth-seeking extremely difficult. All humans parrot information with little regard for its veracity, including me, you, Allgire, and Horak. That’s why the deception is so pervasive and successful. I am interested to determine if a chip was really found in Napoleon’s skull. If it was not, what Allgire and Horak are saying becomes fiction, or parroted deception. While I want to believe, I also want the truth. Is it possible to determine, with a reasonable degree of confidence, if a chip was found in Napoleon’s skull?


      • If a reasonable degree of confidence, for you, means waiting for an official source of admittance, it simply won’t come. Anything genuinely controversial is going to be difficult to accept, like the fact that vaccines cause great harm. I included significant evidence of vaccine harm in the first book (2009), but because there were no official admissions on the issue, today there are several people I love who harmed themselves this way during COVID. You see, that’s the point of the Message (as stated in its Disclaimer)—to be sure people have access to ALL available information, so they can personally decide for themselves what is really happening. It is also a story I believe very, very deeply in, and therefore will continue to tell until its end. However, If it isn’t personally meaningful for you, or you just can’t/don’t believe it, then you would be right to disregard it and move on. Only you can decide what it means for you.

        Liked by 1 person

    • James’ website (created by friends and colleagues to catalog his material for posterity) is: To the right, you can click on (2013) and listen to the full Napoleon interviews there, as well as over a decade of his other material. The comments on the articles there, to which James replied as often as he could, are also extremely informative and well worth the time. The Home page of that website also has an extensive list of his radio interviews readily available. Be advised that his final message for us, is not particularly uplifting, and understandably so. But as long as we’re still here, change is still possible–that should be our main focus now–whether we believe he was the Judge or not.

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    • I apologize Chico, but I also forgot to clarify…as you’ve likely discovered in looking at old articles on the chip, regardless of where they came from, at no point is there any mention of Napoleon’s past (being in the pyramid), him being pulled into a portal/dimensional shift, getting a data download (what James referred to as acquiring “extra” knowledge), nor his historically noted and significant personality change post event. Those details were only provided by James in 2013, until a few months ago when the RV session was done, confirming James’ assertions in that regard. Nor has anyone but James ever discussed the time travel involved or maker of the chip. I don’t know the entirety of what Allgire saw in his RV session, only what was publicly released on it. So no, those were not specific details James could have picked up from previously reading articles on it. Hope that helps.


      • I realize those are compelling pieces to the story, but that does not mean they are true. My operating philosophy at this point is “question everything, dismiss nothing”, understanding that certainty is not really our friend, given the pervasiveness of deception in this world. You are certain James Horak is legitimate, while I am questioning it. So naturally we will not be like-minded. That’s actually a good thing, as it promotes inquiry and dialogue.


  4. Crystal this is very interesting, I took some photos of paintings at the Hearst Castle that seem to relate to this story. I emailed you them.

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  5. I know I am hearing something of immense importance here, and I want to encourage you, Crystal, to continue this series and share what you have learned. Many of us have been busy learning too, and though we all learn different things at different rates, I can see that we are converging on the truth that has been deliberately denied us, and that you are one of our most advanced scouts who brings forward crucial information. Thank you very much for your work.

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