It’s incredibly important to this author that readers understand, unequivocally, that propaganda has always been part of the equation—throughout history. The winners don’t just write history, they write and re-write reality in the process. This is why I invented and often use the term “reality-mining”. You have to dig for it, deep.

In a previous post, NO, PEOPLE OF THE WORLD, YOU ARE NOT DIVIDED!, numerous reaction videos from around the world were provided to make the point. But even as I wrote it, in the back of my mind I could still hear some of you objecting. “Well, we sure are divided! My Aunt, or my sister, or my wife, or (insert person here) still thinks such-and-such.” Let me be more clear on the issue: the human race is not divided by color, sex, religion, political party, and so on. In reality, there is only ONE divide, from which all the others are perceived: THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO STILL BELIEVE THE PROPAGANDA, AND PEOPLE WHO DON’T. That’s it. And, because the ‘great awakening’ means what it says on the box, the number of people who no longer believe inane, absurd, and intentionally divisive narratives, has grown exponentially. Reality has a way of being too persistent to be ignored, which means that eventually, and thankfully, there will be no one left who believes it. That usually takes more suffering than people like you and I can appreciate though, which is why I write articles like this—in the hopes these good people can figure it out before it’s too late.

Globalists and Globalism—not the Democrats/left or Republicans/right are behind the problems facing what’s left of the free world today. Surely you’ve seen the video of WEF founder Klaus Schwab (whose father was awarded by the Nazis for using slave labor in his factory) bragging to the world that his WEF/globalist doctrine adherents have penetrated world governments?

Both parties in the United States have been infiltrated by globalists over the years, which is why neither party has ever set a different course than that of globalism. The only real difference between the parties today, is that instead of just being partially infiltrated by globalism, Democrats now are wholly globalist in nature, and champion its cause totally. The Republican party remains heavily infiltrated itself, while the rest, being Christians who won’t “cremate their cares” or adopt the satanic “by any means necessary” mindset of globalists in the opposing party, and indeed within their own ranks, have been too spineless to stand up to it. Because fewer of them believe the propaganda now, and have personally graphed out where this will all inevitably lead, that’s also beginning to change, and they aren’t as toothless as they once were. Still, whether it’s too little too late, remains to be seen.

In the end it will ultimately be the people who decide what kind of future they want, and whether or not they want to retain the right to self-determination and remain free, or perish under a yoke of lack and servitude. In helping our fellow man to better understand the true nature of that choice, history lessons are essential because we can’t see or understand where we’re going, if we don’t know where we’ve already been.


Feudalism was a social management system used in the early Middle Ages from the 5th-12th century, when central political authority in the western empire disappeared. In a feudal system, there was no middle class, only rulers/managers and subjects, 90% of which were peasants who owned nothing. They spent long hours working the land, six days a week, having barely enough food for themselves. Most died young, before the age of 30. If skilled enough, (carpenters, bakers, blacksmiths), a few could own their own business, but most were worked hard, treated like slaves, considered to be property and pledged for life to their local Lords. Sometimes this peasant class is also referred to as serfs:

More modern versions of this system were called slave plantations. In a feudal system, the peasants have no voice, no rights—including the right to vote for leadership—no property, and no possibility of a different life. In a feudal system, you either worked for the King in managing the lands and the peasants who worked it, or, with few exceptions, you were the peasant and property of the kingdom.

The King

At the top of the Feudal pyramid is the King, who would pass the kingdom down to his own son, to keep the power in the family—this is called primogeniture, creating dynasties—or what properly educated feminists would call “the Patriarchy”. Kings relied on Barons, their loyalty and soldiers, to help him control the land and people.

The Bishop

Just beneath the King, but still having an enormous amount of power, was the Bishop—the top of a parallel but religious pyramid. Bishops managed an area called a diocese. The Church also received 1/10th (tithe) of all the people’s income, making some Bishops extremely wealthy.

Barons and High Ranking Nobles

Barons and high ranking nobles ruled areas called fiefs, working directly for the king. They further divided up those fiefdoms into sections of land ran by lords who governed from manors. It was also their responsibility to either provide an army for the king, or pay a tax called ‘shield money’.

Lords and Knights

Lords and knights ran the local manors, and could themselves be called into battle by their baron. The lords didn’t technically own their lands in the way we think of it today, rather they had dominion over them as long as their title and service endured. This dominion included the peasants, crops and village. Lords had absolute power over their fief or manor, holding court, and deciding punishment and crimes. Life in feudal fiefdoms, for the peasant class, revolved around the manors.


Europe’s first fascist leader was Benito Mussolini, who claimed to derive the name of his party from the Latin word fasces—a bundle of elm or birch wood containing an ax—a symbol of authority found in Ancient Rome. However, some historians claim it was actually invented by Giovanni Gentile, his ghost writer:

The 1983 American Heritage Dictionary defined fascism as: “A system of government that exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with belligerent nationalism.”
Fascism originated in Italy, and Mussolini claims to have invented the word itself. It was actually his ghostwriter, Giovanni Gentile, who invented it and defined it in the Encyclopedia Italiana in this way: “Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”

Under fascism, the state, through official cartels, controlled all aspects of manufacturing, commerce, finance, and agriculture. Planning boards set product lines, production levels, prices, wages, working conditions, and the size of firms. Licensing was ubiquitous; no economic activity could be undertaken without government permission. Levels of consumption were dictated by the state, and “excess” incomes had to be surrendered as taxes or “loans.” The consequent burdening of manufacturers gave advantages to foreign firms wishing to export. But since government policy aimed at autarky, or national self-sufficiency, protectionism was necessary: imports were barred or strictly controlled, leaving foreign conquest as the only avenue for access to resources unavailable domestically. Fascism was thus incompatible with peace and the international division of labor—hallmarks of liberalism.

Fascism embodied corporatism, in which political representation was based on trade and industry rather than on geography. In this, fascism revealed its roots in syndicalism, a form of socialism originating on the left. The government cartelized firms of the same industry, with representatives of labor and management serving on myriad local, regional, and national boards—subject always to the final authority of the dictator’s economic plan. Corporatism was intended to avert unsettling divisions within the nation, such as lockouts and union strikes. The price of such forced “harmony” was the loss of the ability to bargain and move about freely.


An important word was just brought up, that most people today, especially Americans, don’t understand the true nature of beyond ‘street drug cartels’ portrayed on TV. In reality, any significant area of monetization or control has a cartel running and protecting it. We’ve had energy cartels (big oil), drug cartels (both street and prescription), medical cartels (often referred to as the medical mafia or Rockefeller Medicine), food and agriculture cartels (Monsanto is known for hiring mercenaries like Black Water), banking cartels (like the IMF, World Bank and Federal Reserve), for decades. Now it appears we’re also brewing up ‘information’, ‘behavior’ and ‘science’ cartels.

Cartels are often compared to or called syndicates, which definitely gives them the more corporate face they often deserve. Here it’s important to realize, not just that these entities are working together, but that they’re now doing so for purposes that go way beyond “regulating prices” or “passing certain laws”, but to also regulate away every right and freedom we have—attempting to regulate our thoughts and speech even. The propaganda news has become a cartel in its own right, now regulating group think narratives handed down by its globalist owners. In fact, it was author Eustice Mullins, whose tireless research showed that the same board members were sitting on the boards of multiple, large multinational corporations. These cartels do indeed overlap and form trusts with each other for mutual benefit. The well-known bank, HSBC, laundering money for Mexican drug cartels in a good example:


Similarly, the Cambridge Dictionary defines it as “a country in which the government uses the police to severely limit people’s freedom.” The Collins Dictionary defines it as, “a police state is a country in which the government controls people’s freedom by the means of police, especially secret police.” adds this important bit: “Some think if a government uses electronic or digital surveillance it is a police state, where others believe it takes the loss of more freedoms to make a police state”.

That’s an incredibly important inclusion, given that our new, self-appointed forever-leaders intend to create, rule and manage their brave new world with technology, which includes extensive use of Artificial Intelligence and the behavior modification system known as “ESG”—a system that can only function with an astonishing level of personal surveillance. The original term for this was invented in the 1930’s—Technocracy—before they understood the way in which modern technology would drive it:

In other words, while globalists/globalism is and are attempting to assert themselves and their family lineages as the permanent rulers of the earth, the corporate, fascist/feudal police state they intend to impose on the rest of us to ensure and protect their rule in perpetuity, isn’t going to be governed by technicians guided by the imperatives of their technology, but rather Artificial Intelligence will be guided solely by the IMPERATIVES THAT GLOBALIST-APPOINTED TECHNICIANS program it with. See what just happened there? Let’s not forget that recent interview between Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk in which they both admitted current artificial intelligence models are absolutely being trained to lie, and a few years back we had a senior engineer from Google turn whistle-blower, outing the fact that google really was shadow banning people and really did have a blacklist that included “cures for cancer”. You may remember Google sent a swat team to his home for that.

This all reminds me of the science-fiction film Rollerball, previously discussed here, in which this is exactly what happened: corporations took over the world, painted themselves as saviors, and then their artificial intelligence archive started to delete centuries of history. Here’s a snippet from that article, called THE DE-FUND END-GAME PART2: TRANSITIONING LOCAL CITIZENS TO GLOBAL CITIZENS:


As an example of what I mean, the TPP was meant to give large trans-national corporations complete control over every aspect of our lives, and of course stamping out any competing realities is a necessary part of the process. To that end, do today’s social just warriors understand the ramifications of a continued shut-down with only small businesses being forced to stay closed? Aren’t we ALREADY seeing small, locally-owned businesses all over the country closing permanently, leaving ONLY the big box corporate chains to survive it?! How many memes have we seen in our social media feeds in the last few months mocking the hypocrisy of forcing nearly every small business there is to close indefinitely, but the Walmarts of the world, for some strange reason, all get to remain open? Add to this their latest cancel culture victim, GOYA foods–just because the CEO openly expressed support for an alternate agenda–and an undeniable pattern begins to emerge. 

Cancel Culture Begins the Corporate Wars

download (22)

Now All Restaurants are Taco Bell (a scene from the 1993 film, Demolition Man, starring Sylvester Stallone and Sandra Bullock). 

Stallone: He says I saved his life, which I’m not even sure I did, and my reward is dinner and dancing at Taco Bell? I mean, hey, I like Mexican food, but come on…

Bullock: Your tone is quasi facetious, but you do not realize that Taco Bell was the only restaurant to survive the franchise wars.

Stallone: So?

Bullock: So, now all restaurants are Taco Bell.

Do the cancel culture kids realize the only people getting ‘canceled’ are the large corporation’s only competitors?! And that their only competitors, is everybody who isn’t them? The money that once supported small, independently-owned businesses is now re-routing to large corporations like Walmart and Amazon. How can anyone seriously claim to be “for the little guy” when every move they make only feeds the largest billionaire corporations in the world while simultaneously destroying the lively-hood and independence of everyone else? I find it hard to believe that’s what these people really want–to be stuck in the Walmart ‘company store’ shuffle that was so elegantly portrayed in the documentary, WALMART-THE HIGH COST OF LOW PRICES. And what is the ‘company store’ shuffle? Do the cancel culture kids know what it really means–know the history of it?


It’s a great article I highly recommend, especially since it isn’t science fiction anymore. The disappearance, from the collective, of numerous historical events—perhaps even centuries—that would explain how certain forces came to power, is also an nice segue into what comes next, perhaps both in reality, and this article: The Dark Ages.


Reality Revisionism is happening at such an alarming rate, today most people don’t realize the term “Dark Ages” was originally used because of a lack of information available—a black hole—on what really happened back then. The Dark Ages, or early Middle Ages, was a period in European history from roughly 500–1000, largely covering the time from the fall of Rome to the beginning of the Renaissance. This marked a period of frequent warfare and the virtual disappearance of urban life—a time this author is starting to believe was the beginning of the “grand chessboard”.

True to form, this term (dark ages) has been re-branded to reflect what little is claimed to be known about that time period—it’s now called the “Migration Period”. Sound familiar? They say history doesn’t repeat, but it sure does rhyme…According to Britannica:

“The term “Dark Ages” is rarely used today, but traditionally was a reference to the lack of information about the period, and/or also a reference to a period of intellectual darkness and barbarity.”

The name of the period (Migration Period) refers to the movement of so-called barbarian peoples—including the Huns, Goths, Vandals, Bulgars, Alani, Suebi, and Franks—into the western Roman Empire.”

Encylopodia Britannica

Obviously, the exact same thing is happening again to the ‘western world’ now, and against the wishes of the people. North American and European globalist leaders are flooding their nations with people who, while not necessarily barbarians, are used to living in squalor and violence under corrupt leadership they didn’t dare challenge because they had all been disarmed by those same leaders. Of course we understand why they want to flee their home nations, but when they come here illegally they arrive without any real idea (or often interest) as to why THIS country, isn’t THAT country, nor how to keep it that way. In some cases they absolutely do behave like barbarians, raping and killing their new countrymen. The media ignores this entirely, and calls you racist if you don’t want your first world nation destroyed by millions of people from the third world, who don’t really understand what it takes to create and keep a first world nation functioning and intact. This is all before we get to dubious reasons the never-do-well United Nations started called them our “replacement population”. Of course their mouthpiece media told you that was a conspiracy theory, but here’s the actual document link and screen shots of the first 3 pages:

If it’s one thing the planned-demic taught us, the last thing the UN cares about is taking care of Granny. Let’s not forget Bill Gates advocating for death panels to specifically kill off Granny to save a few bucks for education. This was covered in a previous article called SILENCE OF THE LABS: THE WAR ON KNOWLEDGE. Below is the video of Gates making these statements, with a brief snippet from the War on Knowledge article debunking his claim and addressing the real reason they want to get rid of the elderly:

“Getting rid of granny’ is included here because it absolutely is tied to the reemergence of anti-intellectualism, as well as that in itself being tied to reality revisionism’s current cancel culture agenda. As an immediate example, if that were not the case, why then did Gates immediately begin peddling the case for killing off granny as the most efficient way to save the country money to hire teachers, instead of FIRST looking to recover the funds through well-documented medical, insurance and medicare fraud, or even stopping the $500 BILLION DOLLAR A YEAR trade deficit with China?! In globalist reality revisionism, two main objectives are accomplished with the ‘get rid of granny’ campaign. First, it begins to pre-condition future generations to accept a lower quality of life along with further revisions (depopulation events) that will begin purges of people our new forever-leaders deem non-essential to their new system. Or, as stated earlier, “In that case propaganda is meant to get public buy-in to pre-empty resistance or backlash to what would otherwise be considered abhorrent, shameful and shocking.”

Second, the elderly, just by being alive and having been present for historical events of significance, are anchors to a pre-existing version of reality that globalists are attempting over-write.  What they know, observed, witnessed and lived through is competition for the new narrative, and competition must be eliminated. That said, there’s a reason Common Core and ‘killing off granny’ discussions are happening simultaneously: what the elderly know about true history and real reality, is meant to be phased out at the same time Common Core is refusing to reintroduce any of it, while instead using a replacement narrative that will be more difficult to dispute in the absence of living witnesses.



I don’t personally like that books, much like politics, are divided into two main categories: fiction or non-fiction. I can’t escape the feeling that a third category called “friction”—where science fiction and reality meet–should become part of the mix. As to what this brave new world Orwell referred to is going to look like, numerous frictional books and films over the decades have described it. Apart from the original Rollerball film, more recent stories like The Hunger Games, a TV series called Badlands in which Barons ruled with ‘clippers’, and even The Handmaids Tale have given up a lot. Errant feminists may scoff at my including the last one, but it follows a similar pattern in the way individual wants and needs are subordinate to whatever their current leadership deems “for the greater good”. Today’s manufactured feminists will scream, “my body my choice” when it comes to their womb, but then scream, “wear your mask and get your vaccines!” when it comes to the entire body of everyone else—it’s for the greater good after all. But wait, wasn’t that why women were forced to be raped and bear children for their lords in The Handmaids Tale? Wasn’t it for the ‘greater good of the state’ because if you have no babies, you will eventually have no state?! Not to be cruel or insensitive to feminists, but you don’t have another 10 years to figure what’s really going on and get with the program. Neither does everybody else. Things are moving too quickly.


The image above portrays the ye old feudal (fiefdom) system—the castle is the ‘manor’ ran by the lord, and you see the serfs working the land. Considering that globalists are attempting to starve world populations by forcing farmers to stop farming, and cull millions of animals under the entirely made-up global warming/carbon scheme, and burning down hundreds of food processing plants in this country alone, your new lords are definitely not going to have their serfs ‘working the land’. No, I dare say they’ve got something different in mind for most of us—something we learned from leaked pages of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement, which was written in secret by corporations, giving them a status above that of nations—as they carve up and remake the world into a corporate feudal system:

Dhaka, Bangladesh – March 2010. Garment factory in Dhaka Bangladesh in the Mohakhali area. Dhaka counts more than 4000 factories producing for export only. This factory produced garments for the dutch company Hans Textiel.



Many years ago I came across a video of one of the architects of Common Core, a man I didn’t recognize and had never heard of, very plainly explaining that because not all children in this country were being given access to higher or better levels of education, the purpose of Common Core wasn’t to focus on raising everyone up to a higher standard, but rather to lower the standards to the same level for everyone. He was completely serious and didn’t bat an eye.

Long-time listeners and readers have heard this author explain on numerous occasions this is what globalists do—that they themselves have done absolutely nothing of significance to raise themselves up to their lofty positions in society, with one exception—they push everyone else down. These aren’t the most brilliant, moral, ethical or philanthropic of our times, rather they are the least of those things among us. As outlined in a previous FIRDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES featuring author and researcher John Coleman, some of these ‘elite’ families made their wealth through the opium trade. Not only did he show some of the opium was even grown on the Queen’s grounds, but it was also forced on China in what became known as the Opium Wars. Today, many will tell you that the current Fentanyl epidemic is retribution for that, but that doesn’t explain why America is being targeted instead of Britain. What would explain it, however, is the same family lineages responsible for the Opium epidemic in China (the Council of 300 as it was known before globalism), are simply doing it again, to the United States.


That’s what a “smart city” is—which is why everything, including people and money, will need to have a tracking mechanism installed. Cash will need to be replaced by digital money, and every single thing in existence you could ever possibly use—from your sock to your toothbrush—will be automatically deducted from your credits while you rent them from your new lords and masters. If, you have enough credits that is.

Some of you might remember James Horak explaining that these people, if we do not remove them from power, will create a world in which no one will want to live. That was ten years ago. People couldn’t see it back then, but I know you see it now. DO NOT COMPLY WITH YOUR OWN DEMISE. The human race cannot continue to participate in their own demise and escape it at the same time. You don’t have 10 more years to figure it out.


Humanity once again stands at a most important fork in the road; a moment exhilarating and exasperating, liberating and terrifying—may we have the wisdom and moral fortitude to choose the path of countless wonders.”

–Crystal Clark


  1. How do the events in Asia fit in with this? Russia, China, ASEAN, etc…? Are they part of the game or opposed to it? Maybe, they are part of the game, but vying for power within it?

    Liked by 1 person

    • When people (or nations) don’t know exactly where the chips are going to fall, they hedge their bets as a way to mitigate losses. But this is a game that peoples and nations can’t stand by and watch from the sidelines anymore, and the winner takes ALL. At some point, everyone has to choose a side. In other words, to answer your question as to where these nations fit in, I guess we’ll find out. It is interesting to note however, that the ‘sleeping prophet’ Edgar Cayce once proclaimed that one day, Russia would become the hope of the world. We’ll see. Thanks for the comment, and stay safe and sane out there!


      • I’m trying to stay safe and sane, but it isn’t easy. Thanks so much, Crystal. I assume James passed away? Is there anything he said at the end to share?

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, sadly James is no longer down here with us, but perhaps he can do more good out there in the great beyond. And yes, he did leave something for us before he left. I’ll be getting to that soon.


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