Cold Fusion technology was a reality 30 years ago. Before we get into how we know that’s true, or why it was never released, the public should understand how it’s absence in our daily lives has nearly brought the world to full ruin during that same time period.

Imagine a world in which the Fukushima nuclear meltdown—still contaminating our life-giving oceans to this very day—never happened. Imagine a world in which the British Petroleum oil spill, resulting in massive contamination of a major food source and rich oceanic eco-system in the Gulf of Mexico—which included the addition of toxic Corexit and the release of a synthetic microbe called SYNTHIA on top of it—never happened. Imagine a world with no leaking pipelines, no wars or confiscated land for same, no wars in the Middle East over arms and oil, and the millions of people who would still otherwise be alive if those wars hadn’t taken place.

Imagine an Africa teaming with life, water, fruitful farm land, and a free energy source genuinely ending poverty. Imagine the millions of trees cut down in the Amazon Rainforest—the lungs of the planet—and elsewhere around the world still happening at break-neck speed, never happening. Imagine no Uranium mining contamination of the Colorado River and underground aquifers. Imagine a world no longer creating Water Barons based on “water scarcity” mythology. Imagine no pollution from using ‘fossil’ fuels to heat homes, power cars, or run industry. Imagine no power grid, no smart meters, no “Great Reset”, and no phony carbon credit scheme designed to track and take control over everything you own, including your own mind. Imagine a world in which profoundly productive farms were being encouraged to feed the world, instead of being forcibly shut down all over the planet, in preparation for starving billions of people.

That’s only some of what we lost, and are still losing, in a world in which Cold Fusion wasn’t made publicly available. Now the public should also know, not just imagine, why it never happened. Not just why it hasn’t happened, but why it must happen in the future if we seriously expect to have one. A world quite literally on the verge of starving to death for this technology will never get it, without first understanding the reason for its absence, and then correcting the problem. How could it? Past behavior is the best indicator of future performance.


The level of propaganda fed to the global public, for over a century, has the world—especially our youth—believing that communism and capitalism are basically fundamentally and diametrically opposed; that one is good and one is evil. That notion is equal in absurdity to the idea that professional Republicans and professional Democrats are diametrically opposed. The Bush family (Republican) gave us numerous wars over oil and poppy fields, while Obama (Democrat) gave us the indefinite detention of American Citizens and signed us up to have our local police forces replaced by globalist police forces with his Strong Cities Network—the same cities “leftists” (Capitalist Communists) were then allowed to loot and burn at their pleasure with impunity, while being funded by foreigners.

The idea that all forms of capitalism, whether practiced by Constitutional Capitalists or Capitalist Communists, are bad in and of themselves because they use money, is like saying all forms of technology—technology that saves lives (like factories producing insulin and antibiotics), and technologies that destroy lives (like HAARP, frequency and earthquake weapons) are equally bad, because they all use electricity. Money, electricity, knives—these are only tools—it’s how they’re used by people that makes the difference. Are they being used to create, regenerate, and uphold life and freedom, or take it? Both as individuals, and as a planetary species, can we really claim to have maintained our evolutionary purpose and ideals, when we can no longer distinguish between the tool and the user?!

The greatest threat to the future of mankind today, comes from Capitalist Communists, an insidious and hidden blending of the two, into those we errantly refer to as the ‘elite’. Capitalist Communists specifically practice Morte Capitalism—they feed on death—specifically the death competing realities. This was painstakingly proven both factually and unequivocally—not theoretically—through the life-long and impeccable research of Antony Sutton, featured here in PART 2—SKULLS, BONES, CHARLOTTE’S WEB, TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS & SOCIALIST CORPORATIONS: THE CAPITALIST COMMUNIST CONSPIRACY. [Sutton also wrote a wonderful little book on the reality of Cold Fusion—in 1997—which will be covered here shortly.]

Practicing Morte Capitalism, Capitalist Communists don’t just feed on literal death (wars) and suffering (the Rockefeller Medicine model and depopulation) in general, but specifically, the death of competing realities we call “free societies”. The most important aspect of Sutton’s life-long work was proving that free societies are the greatest threat to Capitalist Communists, and also, that in order to have a free society, you MUST have free enterprise in free markets. This is why Capitalist Communists, through the establishment of central banks and multi-national corporate monopolies, attack and infiltrate those first. In that regard, Capitalist Communists function very much like a virus, infecting the free markets of host nations, slowly altering and subsuming them, until they begin to work for them—until we, become them. This process was covered in an article called Ideological Subversion:

“We will change you Dr. Jones, all of you, from the inside. We will turn you, into us. And the best part? You won’t even know it’s happening.” –Explained by a Communist in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

This was the reason for their Word War One, their Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, their World War Two, and culminating efforts towards World War Three: to either pre-empty the future possibility of free societies from developing, or crush those that have. Today we find the more modern versions of their wars against competing realities dressed up as “spreading Democracy”, keeping in mind that Democracy is the anti-thesis to free societies because it fosters mob rule, and he who controls the mob then rules. It allows for the 51% to have control over the other 49%. While completely ignored by a government heavily infiltrated by Capitalist Communists and their Change Agents, the United States Constitution, in creating a Constitutional Republic (not a Democracy) was specifically constructed to prevent mob rule, with it’s most important and protected ‘minority’ being the individual. The correct term for a free society is a FREE MARKET SOCIETY—not a Democracy (socialism). This is true to the degree that as your free markets go, so do all of your other freedoms and rights to self-determination (including the free market development of Cold Fusion technology)—along with the natural evolution of the human race.

“Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.” —Mayer Amschel Rothschild


Even “God” is considered a competing reality at this level of hubris, remembering that competing realities are meant to be replaced by Capitalist Communists themselves. If you’re unfamiliar with their underlying need to cancel God and what that will look like in the future should they succeed, or even the Capitalist Communist Conspiracy in general, that was covered in those two previous articles.

Every major war waged on the face of this earth in our lineage, was specifically engineered by Capitalist Communists to destroy the competing reality of free societies through the capture of free markets. This is done through their Central Banking apparatus, and either the direct installation of Change Agent operatives in government, or the bribery and/or blackmail of other elected officials, who will then pass legislation allowing Capitalist Communist multinational corporations to take more control not just of market share through monopolies, but also control of ideas and emerging technologies that would alter or threaten that control. Capitalist Communists use a specific term for such a threat—Disruptive Technologies—emerging technologies capable of disrupting their monopolizing stranglehold on otherwise free markets. Cold Fusion is one of those technologies—perhaps the most disruptive technology yet.

The level of control being exerted over once free markets, with their monopolizing banking system and multinational corporations, goes well beyond the privatizing of wealth produced from risk while simultaneously publicizing the debt from same, as we saw in the “too big to fail” and “too big to jail” 2008 banking scandals. In a truly free market society, those banks would have absolutely been allowed to fail, and people absolutely would have gone to jail, instead of the public being forced to ‘bail them out’ with billions of taxpayer dollars. When they do great, they keep all the profit—when they do bad, we pay for their losses. When you see that happening, your ‘free society’ is in the process of dying, and it will always take your personal freedoms and liberties with it when it goes. The Corporate pattern of this same scheme was wonderfully covered in the documentary called WALMART: THE HIGH COST OF LOW PRICES. If America were still a truly free country with genuinely free markets, Cold Fusion products would have been ‘allowed’ to hit those market decades ago.


The Deep State, also covered in WHAT DO WE DO?—DEEP STATE HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT & THE BROWN ROBE PROPHECIES, is the Communist Capitalist network of Change Agents, loyalists and familiars, that continually occupy key positions in both government agencies and NGO operations, sometimes for decades, regardless of who gets elected. This includes heads of research and development at specific universities, media, manufacturing companies, and even the patent office. This operative network is the filter or sieve through which everything—including information and inventions—must flow, in order to weed out and prevent any person, place or thing, from becoming disruptive to their power structure. Extreme censorship of ideas is not a new phenomenon, it’s only now just become overt to the degree of being permanently and openly institutionalized.

That isn’t to say that Capitalist Communists don’t want the most advanced technologies available and developed, they just don’t want you to have them. This disparity is essential to their obscene quest for Godhood—the same cultural disparity beautifully portrayed in the 1994 film STARGATEthat’s what the Great Reset is actually for: the permanent destruction of our cultures, sciences and industry, while simultaneously building up their own with extremely advanced technologies. Technologies that will inevitably become indistinguishable from magic by the youth of the future.

Secretly developing Cold Fusion technology for themselves, while keeping it from the rest of the world, is also based on the military truism, “the most technologically advanced tribe wins”. Today most seasoned reality-miners know that Capitalist Communists have absconded with billions of our tax dollars, in conjunction with billions of dollars in profits from drug and human trafficking, to fund “black projects” that further support their ascent.

Along those same lines, when it comes to the Capitalist Communist corruption of evolutionary purpose and ideals having affected (and infected) every aspect of society, including (and especially) science and education, readers may recall the following transcription from a previous post called THE BRINK, of a conversation between James Horak and the host of Enemy Within Radio:

3:50 (Host) “Modern science isn’t really science anymore.”

4:03 (JCH) “Well, there are two different sciences. There’s one that’s reserved for the second or hidden technology, and then what you get that feeds the palp of the mass media that uses it politically.”


In 1997 Antony Sutton wrote a small book called, COLD FUSION: THE SECRET ENERGY REVOLUTION. Below is the Preface:

“An extraordinary and unexpected event is almost upon us…the reality of free energy. You don’t know about this because of irresponsible behavior of important elements of society. Those that claim to serve you. The U.S. Department of Energy is either hopelessly incompetent or protecting the interest of present energy sources at the expense of society as a whole. The press (media), including the so-called scientific press, has a blackout on news. The famous investigative journalists suddenly have cold feet. The political establishment is either silent (the White House), or making half-hearted efforts to investigate (Congress). By contrast, this is by far the most important event in the history of the United States…you need to know, and should know. This report is an introduction to hidden events that will shape your lives in coming decades.”

—Antony C. Sutton, D. Sc., California, December 26, 1997, Revised July 1999

The following information comes from Chapter One of Sutton’s book on cold fusion, and highlights the “lockstep” suppression of this monumental discovery–-a discovery so great and so disruptive to the Capitalist Communist agenda of world domination called the “Great Reset”—that they never could have gotten away with it. Not the phony ‘carbon’ mythology driving the social compliance score system, certainly not the phony carbon credit casino, nor the never-do-well Bill Gates wanting to cut down 70 million trees to ‘save you’. The ridiculousness of the electric car nightmare, which is extremely environmentally unfriendly and impossible to fuel at large scale because there literally isn’t enough electricity available to meet its ‘mandates’—never would have happened. None of this madness would have come to fruition, if Cold Fusion technology had been released first. It would have been more than disruptive to their agenda—it would have been catastrophic. Thus, as Sutton explained in his 1997 book on Cold fusion, their planted Change Agents and media familiars, decided to treat the emergence of this evolutionary technology like so:

“Unknown to almost everyone in the United States, the world is on the verge of a revolutionary technological change in the way we acquire and use energy.

In March of 1989 two electro-chemists, Martin Fleischmann of the University of Southampton in England and Martin Pons of the University of Utah (Fleischmann’s one-time graduate student), announced an electro-chemical process which appeared to be a low energy nuclear reaction. The reaction supposedly released a form of nuclear energy. They called it Cold Fusion.

Without heat and pressure, by use of simple electrolysis, they could generate over unity…get more power out of the device than needed to run it. This is counter to orthodox theory that states that one needs massive pressure and high temperature to achieve so-called hot fusion, to release the power of the atom.

The physics established had just spent 50 years and maybe $20 billion to achieve this end, and had not achieved over unity. Now they were told it could be done on a kitchen table with a cheap apparatus known to every freshman chemistry major.

The immediate overwhelming scientific response was “impossible”. Most scientists were secure in the assumption they already knew everything about physics and proclaimed cold fusion a “fraud”. Instead of dispassionate examination of the claim, almost without exception prominent scientists shouted down the discovery. Pons and Fleischmann fled to France. Science influence with the media was used to ridicule the discovery…and science reporters lapped it up, without a second thought.

The fact that this reaction was essentially self-serving justification for a bountiful flow of federal funds went largely unnoticed. Thousands of physicists depended on federal funding in the hot fusion and high energy physics programs. Cold fusion threatened the flow of funds. The media reaction was unbelievable…instant dismissal, and unthinking ridicule…

The negative lockstep reaction of the media can be traced to the “prominent scientists” working on government research funds. News sources, specifically science reporters, have neither the wisdom nor the fortitude to question these self-appointed experts. These are some of the comments made by physicists before they had time to repeat the experiments (i.e., knee-jerk emotional reactions):

  • Steven Koonin, Cal Tech: “…a mistake, they found something that didn’t exist.”
  • Robert Park, American Physical Society: “…a seance of true believers.”
  • Herman Fasbach, MIT: “I don’t want to see any more evidence. I think it’s a bunch of junk.”


“Thermacore of Pennsylvania with a $75,000 Pentagon contract has built a device the size of a vacuum flask to heat a house without fuel, reportedly for 1000 years.”

“This is a non-polluting technology. The entire pollution prevention industry is unnecessary. Regulations and restrictions can be removed…there is no pollution to regulate. Incidentally, one of the greatest mysteries is why environmental groups, including Sierra Club, have not recognized the non-polluting potential of cold fusion. We brought this to the attention of the Sierra Club four years ago…without any response. The only conclusion we can formulate is that without pollution there is no anti-pollution movement, and pollution free energy will remove one of the pillars that supports the environmental industry. In other words the environmental movement is an industry like coal and oil.”

—Chapter Three (THE SITUATION IN EARLY 1999) of Antony Sutton’s book, COLD FUSION; THE SECRET ENERGY REVOLUTION, 1997.

The Great Reset is being foisted on citizens in every nation on Earth, through the kind of Change Agents that WEF co-founder Klaus Schwab publicly admitted have infiltrated the governments of those same nations. As discussed many times here in previous articles, globalists (Capitalist Communists) have long planned to use the ‘environmental crisis’ as the means to take control, even going as far as replacing the Ten Commandments of Christendom with ten new ‘environmental commandments’ that are already being tied to ESG scores. Phony environmentalism is meant to become the New World Order religion—another reason ‘canceling God’ is part of the agenda. In reality however, the most important lesson we can derive from the intentional suppression of Cold Fusion, is that the one thing Capitalists Communists could care less about, is the natural environment. This has never been more crucial to recognize. Their entire control narrative centers on energy—energy use, and the phony carbon ruse.

In 2022 Michael Yon explained that Germans, and indeed European nations altogether, have been cutting down massive swaths of forests for firewood to burn, in fear of freezing to death due to the Great Reset causing a complete lack of alternative fuel availability. Yon, having traveled extensively throughout Europe, further suggested that in the absence of other fuels, cutting down every tree in Europe still wouldn’t provide enough fuel to keep them from freezing. None of this would be happening—not the Great Reset driving the bulk of society back to the Stone Age, not the mass culling of valuable natural resources, people and animals, nor the fear driving it all—if cold fusion technology had been released to the world

The following comes from Chapter Two of Sutton’s book, titled INITIAL ECONOMIC EFFECTS, remembering that economics, through the capturing and corruption of free markets (free enterprise markets), is how they acquire and maintain control. I also encourage readers to remember that this discovery was made, and then suppressed from the world, several decades ago:

“The initial impact, as Bechtel has foreseen, will be on the electricity grid. But in addition to withdrawal from the grid system will be wrenching change for the heating and cooling industries. These latter will be impacted probably before the grid system because space heating units can be developed before heat-to-electricity conversions.

Because of weakness in the official academic-government structure this aspect has been entirely ignored.

The “wild ride” foreseen by a senior Federal Reserve Bank official (seen FTIR January 1999, in bibliography) can be smoothed by withdrawing funds from coal, oil and atomic technical research and devoting funds to cold fusion research. Today Government policy is exaggerating the complexity and impact of changeover. Policy is designed to keep us in the 19th and 20th centuries, while the market, reflecting citizen ability and demand, is urging us into the 21st…

Another step is to alert initial impact industries of likely future changes. Not only the electricity grids, heating and cooling industries, but more obscure groups. Even the travel industry will be affected, real estate in isolated areas, the pipeline network and steel pipe mills. Coal mining and coal mining machinery, coal transportation, petroleum exploration and development and many others will receive some initial impact.

In particular the strategic balance will be changed. The requirement to defend the Middle East is reduced. In fact the quickest way to bring peace to the Middle East is to push cold fusion research. Without Iraqi oil exports there is no Iraqi armament industry.

This reduction in some industries is offset by rapid, very rapid, expansion in light manufacturing and metal working industries which can manufacture cold fusion devices on a gigantic scale. There will be expansion in chemical catalyst industries, although it is not yet certain that palladium is the cheapest usable catalyst. Obviously deuterium gas will be a winner. In brief, wrenching changes in the structure of industry. Losses for the slow moving. Profit for the alert. Disaster for those who listen to the self-promoting talking heads in Washington, major Universities, and senile daily press.

The greatest danger is political. The politicians will dump the financial load onto citizens whereas in an enterprise society the enterprise bears the weight of losses as well as the advantages of profit.”


The first thing seasoned reality-miners will tell you, in regards to the problem getting “free energy” to market, is that it’s “free”—you can’t put a meter on it and use it as a tool of control. The proper term, “over unity”, refers to getting more energy out of something than you put into it—the return is positively imbalanced. When burning wood for heat, or like our current nuclear industry also producing heat (that heat then converted into electricity), the return is negatively imbalanced. Even if the exchange were even, meaning there was no energy loss in the conversion process, when converting a natural resource into energy, an obvious loss does occur—the loss of the resource itself. Of course current atomic energy uses (and abuses–like Fukushima, atomic bombs, and uranium mining contamination world wide) have nearly become the bane of human existence in terms of environmental destruction of both land and sea.

Burning fuels like coal and wood also affect air quality. Cold fusion does none of those things. It does not require massive amounts of heat or pressure to produce, does not pollute, and produces over unity—it puts out more energy than it takes in.

Cold fusion technology, and the end of corruption, which includes the corruption responsible for suppressing the technology, together are enough to save mankind from the abyss we’re currently staring into.

“Cold fusion in several variants is a confirmed repeatable process. One of these variants does not require electrodes at all, simply immersion of palladium metal (perhaps other metals) in deuterium gas, (the Case catalytic process). The most important effect is over-unity (i.e., more power is generated by the unit than is needed to operate it, output/input ratios of 3:1 are routine today). There are reports of devices generating much more, e.g., several thousand to one. “


Undsci.berkely wrote a quasi propaganda piece on cold fusion, but it at least explained the process:

“A clean, reliable energy source that won’t run out any time soon would solve our energy problems and revolutionize the world. You might think such an energy source is a pipe dream, but in fact, it has already been discovered — in seawater! Seawater contains an element called deuterium hydrogen with an extra neutron. When two deuterium atoms are pushed close enough together, they will fuse into a single atom, releasing a lot of energy in the process…The process by which two atoms join together, or fuse, into a single heavier atom is called fusion. Fusion is the energy source of stars, like our sun — where it takes place at about 27,000,000° F. In 1989, chemists Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann made headlines with claims that they had produced fusion at room temperature — “cold” fusion compared to the high temperatures the process was thought to require.”

In his book on Cold Fusion, Sutton explained that early and shallow attempts to reproduce the findings of Fleischmann and Pons, were hampered by platinum-palladium electrodes with surface defects. These defects prevent the technology from working. Once this was discovered and overcome, Sutton pointed to the following significant positive confirmations that the technology did in fact work:

“Then, gradually, the truth emerged. Major laboratories duplicated the Pons-Fleischmann method; others looked at solid state devices and different electrode materials. Over unity was confirmed. Also, “life after death” (the cells continued working after the power was switched off) and the output-input ratios became extraordinary…one Japanese group reported the level to be 70,000 to 1.

SHELL OIL: Dufour of Shell Research in France presented a paper (#604) in the fifth IFFC. Detected up seven watts of excess heat.

AMOCO PRODUCTION CO: Issued Report T-90-E-02 (90081 ART 0082, 19 March 1990). Several experiments “yielded 30 percent energy gain over the life of the experiment (two months).” Was repeated. Second group of experiments yielded 30 percent energy gain.

BECHTEL CORP: B. Klein of Bechtel Corp. has explored the economics of fold fusion and concludes that generator units operating at 10-20kw will encourage power users to gradually unplug from the power networks. (Development at this time is entirely on units greater than 10kw)

(CEREM) FRENCH ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION: Lonchampt et al 150 percent excess heat using the Pons-Fleischmann method.

LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY: Dr. Edmund Storms has worked extensively on cold fusion especially electrode surfaces. Numerous over unity results.

EPRI (Electronic Power Research Institute): Report No. TR-104195. Excess power ranging from a few percent to 350 percent observed (6 August 1996)

NASA (Lewis Research Center, Cleveland): Technical Memorandum #107167. Excess heat 6 to 68 percent.

U.S. NAVY (China Lake Air Warfare Center): Evidence for excess heat, particularly clear when Johnson Mathey palladium used for cathodes (seven of eight cells produced 30 percent excess power.)


Long-time readers will understand this author’s concern over “re-branding” things, as it’s often meant to obscure reality or bury true history, to which the younger generations are most vulnerable. Modern references to Cold Fusion—at term coined by it’s original discoverers—is now being re-branded as “Low Energy Nuclear Fusion”. To avoid confusion between “clean” and “toxic” nuclear energy use, the original term, Cold Fusion, is being used throughout this article instead.

After reading Sutton’s book on Cold Fusion and realizing what that technology will mean for the world, not the Capitalist Communists, but for everyone else, I searched for recent interviews or lectures on the topic to include here. The one I chose might seem odd, but it was due to an experience my family recently had, while visiting Oregon working on a week long project.

The specific area is called Chiloquin, which has a high Native American population currently engaged in water wars with local farmers, and perhaps even officialdom in general, to some degree. The nearest hotel in the area, operated by Native Americans, runs a program on the TV about “the white man ruining their water” on a loop. Unfortunately, that’s no more accurate than seeing a person wearing a red shirt kick a cat, and then claiming everyone wearing a red shirt is a cat kicker. Clearly, we’re not dealing with the corrupted thought patterns of Capitalist Communists alone in the human dilemma—something they incessantly love to confuse people with, to keep us fighting amongst ourselves, instead of fighting them and their agenda. That needs to end, and soon, all across the board—we need to stop being paws in their “Grand Chessboard”.

Capitalist Communists run the energy cartels—the energy cartels run the means of energy production—that includes hydro-electric power from dams. Playing “Capitalist Communists ruined our water” on a loop is a more accurate and meaningful assessment of reality. It’s also a reality that people need food—food comes farms—you need farmers and plenty of clean water to grow food, and on a planet that’s 70% water, “water scarcity” is an abject lie.

Apart from confusion as to the genuine source of the problem, I’m otherwise in complete agreement with Chiloquin Native Americans and their view of the situation. So much so, that in my first book (2009), I specifically discussed this very same problem occurring all over the world, because of dams used to generate electricity: dead water. Not just dead water in the absence of more advanced technologies, but also the upcoming water wars that Capitalist Communists already had in the works when I was writing the book.

As early as 2007, publicly, globalists were already attempting to make water—through contamination and scarcity—the new oil. In covering the topic, the book featured an interesting billionaire by the name of T. Boone Pickens, who was buying up aquifers at the time, hoping to become a future Water Baron. Below is a screen shot of articles covering his efforts, and my advice to readers then, on the issue of “water scarcity”, is the same I would give readers today: the idea is absurd. Extremely absurd. It’s impossible to run out of water, on a planet literally full of it. Just like cold fusion exists, so too does desalinization technology—sea water can be treated and piped anywhere in the world to grow crops—exceedingly abundant crops, without a single dam or water war ever taking place. Energy isn’t the only resource that Capitalist Communists want to meter and control the population with—they view water the same way. They know you don’t control the world with plenty, you control the world with lack; lack, and fear of lack.

Another unfortunate ploy driven by Capitalist Communists in creating that lack, has happened in both Southeast Oregon and Southeast Arizona: intentionally over farming the aquifers. In Oregon, farmers were literally paid, via a state funded “drought relief” program, to over farm the aquifers—to use the water faster than nature could replenish it—even after competent scientists warned against it. In Arizona, “Big Agriculture” came in and did it themselves, making homesteads in the area worthless as their personal wells dried up due to aquifer depletion. Drilling new wells is expensive. Most homesteads can afford to drill around 300 feet. Large corporations can afford to drill 1000 feet. More if they intend to suck out every last drop. This has led local governments to begin funding water tank deliveries to affected areas. As a result, people who tried desperately to live quiet lives away from government intrusion, are now dependent on those governments for their continued survival. In the Clark household, we refer this kind of malfeasance as “blocking the exits”.

Readers may remember Nestle—a multi-national (Capitalist Communist) company more well-known for it’s candy bar with the same name—has for years been sucking aquifers dry during droughts, to sell the water back to the public in the form of a bottled water product. The CEO of Nestle was also on record (see video below) saying he didn’t personally believe that access to water was a basic human right, and should instead be commoditized for corporate profit and longevity. Devoted reality-miners will, no doubt, seriously question why the 27th largest corporation in the world would rather consume and destroy local water sources in America, instead of using desalinization technology to get it directly from the ocean instead. That looks a lot more like ‘blocking the exits’ than it does good business acumen or “sustainable” environmental stewardship:


Having personally tested the water from an aquifer in Arizona, I hate to say I wasn’t surprised to find Uranium present. Then again, most of our tap water has Uranium in it now. Cold Fusion technology would have prevented that.

This author also personally tested soil from extremely remote areas of the Southwestern United States, which tested positive for Barium, Lead, Arsenic and other problematic contaminants at levels high enough to cause health problems—but still at some of the lowest levels nationwide. Cold Fusion, as a non-polluting technology, is about far more than the preservation of water.

Still, water is vital to life—all life—not just the lives of people, or even certain tribes. When we dam it up for electricity—in the absence of technologies that could provide a much more abundant and cleaner energy source—we literally kill it. Water must constantly be moving to purify itself. When we dam it up, the resulting degradation of the downstream life-cycle, of both people and animals, is doubly compounded because while little flows out from the dam, what lies behind the dam, becomes lifeless and toxic. Contaminates can’t be purified out, algae blooms become problematic and choke out other life forms. Water, a basic building block for life, no longer provides an environment conducive or suitable to that life. Every dam built since the suppression of Cold Fusion, shouldn’t have been. With the release of Cold Fusion into the world, the largest dams on earth can finally be opened up, allowing the world’s water to flow freely again.


At the beginning of the interview below, guest James Martinez gives some interesting background on the largely unknown role Native Americans have played in trying to get cold fusion technology up and running, to save their water. THE GLOBAL PUBLIC NEEDS TO CATCH UP AND BEGIN THE SAME PROCESS; to begin demanding the antithesis to a “Great Reset” that threatens to freeze, starve, and de-industrialize billions of people to death, while simultaneously looting them of every possession they currently own. The solutions being promulgated by Capitalist Communist front groups like the UN and WEF, are not meant to be solutions to your problems—they are solutions to their problems: free people with free market economies standing in the way of ultimate power concentration and accumulation in the hands of the few.

It was also extremely interesting to hear James Martinez tell RedPill78 that the Trump Administration had Cold Fusion technology listed in the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act)—after which it was later (and secretly) removed. Who removed it and when, is unknown.

“…the government knows that energy is free” and “the motive of the New World Order is to stop technologies that eliminate oil, gas, coal and nuclear energy that make it possible for people to get energy for nothing.” Novel concluded, “They’re petrified at the advent of these technologies which is right around the corner.”

From Chapter Five, TIMING, from the book COLD FUSION: THE SECRET ENERGY REVOLUTION, by Antony Sutton, 1997:

Just before the Martinez/REDPILL78 interview below, is a 2-minute video detailing the absurdity of the “electric car” movement and mandates, from people willing to turn their entire corporate fleets into electric vehicles—they were laughed out of the room by the utility companies. Seasoned reality-miners are becoming increasingly aware that electric vehicle mandates are the transitory phase of the public “owning nothing”—beginning with personal transportation—again based on lack. Of course the Great Reset anthology has ideologically subverted the youth to believe that because ‘fossil fuel’ cars ruin the environment, this is necessary to “save the planet”.

Cold Fusion is the best of both worlds: it doesn’t ask us to kneel to hubris under the false premise of saving the things we hold most dear: our personal freedoms and the environment.



Humanity once again stands at a most important fork in the road; a moment exhilarating and exasperating, liberating and terrifying—may we have the wisdom and moral fortitude to choose the path of countless wonders.”

–Crystal Clark

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