Life, in general, is a journey that teaches us not only the hard lessons of refusal to grow, but also provides abundant rewards for evolving into a more meaningful existence. In more practical terms, when we want to physically journey from one destination to another, we need three things: a starting point, an intended destination, and a map to get there. Those are necessary to begin the journey. Along the way, to be sure we haven’t gotten lost, we need to be able to pinpoint our current location on the map. We need to know where we’ve already been, to be sure we aren’t going in circles. Where are we on the journey, and have we been here before?

This reminds me of a scene from The Hobbit, where the dwarves, on a journey to reclaim their homeland, travel through a dark forest that’s been intentionally enchanted to keep people from ever finding their way out. One of them dropped something along the way, and hours later, came across it again—this is how they discovered they were going in circles. This is how most people, in real life, make the same discovery—repetition. When armed with an excess of good intentions and often little else, people later discover the same bad habits and patterns are repeating in their lives. When this happens, if we’re still determined to reach our destination of full potential and evolve, the first obvious question is, “What happened”?! How did we get so far off track—what are we doing wrong?


Over the decade I spent on social media, primarily Facebook, every couple of years an interesting social question would again make the rounds: IF YOU COULD CHANGE OR STOP JUST ONE THING TO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE, WHAT WOULD IT BE? As the question, along with an endless string of one-word answers went viral each time, in that decade, not one time, did I ever, ever, see anyone put the right word. There were the usuals, like crime, poverty, greed, hate, ect., but never could anyone point to the origin of it all. Can you? Take a moment to really think about it, because while those answers were certainly provided with good intentions, they were not wise, because those are symptoms of the true problem, not the problem itself. We can’t heal a tumor in the same way we would dress a superficial wound. To heal a cancer, you’ve got to get to the root of the problem. The source. In nearly every case of cancer, serious contamination of the body is involved, making ‘purification’ not only one of the most important cancer-fighting protocols, but also the best means of prevention.


Corruption. The corruption of functional evolutionary purpose and its ideals. Serious contamination of the body by things like heavy metals, radiologicals, toxins, frequencies, and chemicals, corrupts the original design and purpose of bodily functions. When the ideal and purpose of the body becomes too corrupt, serious illnesses like cancer develop, and if the corrupting influences are not removed from the body, healing is impossible, and suffering and death are the result. This principle is as true for the “body politic” as it is for large bodies of water, for entire planetary bodies, and bodies of people and animals.

When extreme corruption becomes responsible for failure of a civilization to thrive and evolve, it must take two societal forms to cause the catastrophic, full-system breakdown: the corruption of evolutionary purpose and ideals in those directly responsible for the breakdown, and corruption of evolutionary purpose and ideals of those who look on and do nothing to correct it.


Over the years, in private conversations, I’ve referred loved ones struggling with this concept to a movie I particularly love in this regard, The Gathering, starring Christina Ricci. If you’ve not seen it, I highly recommend it, and as much as I hate doing it, this is your spoiler alert. The basic premise of the supernatural film is that in the past, during a significant event of tremendous suffering, there were people who not only did nothing to prevent it, they actually came to spectate—to simply watch. Given the severity of their punishment, it would be more accurate to say they gawked, the definition of which, is to stare with empty-minded fascination; to stare stupidly; to gape. This is not unlike picnics that spectators used to have during wars. The non-participating public would literally set up a picnic on the hill over-looking the battle below, as though they were merely watching a football game. Some even brought pies to sell to other picnickers. The photograph below is of picnickers at the Battle of Bull Run in 1861.

In The Gathering, in return for their gawking, apathy and indifference, they were cursed to repeatedly re-incarnate during events of mass suffering, to again do nothing but watch—this was the loop of repetition they were stuck on. There’s an extremely profound lesson in that story, for all of us, and it goes well beyond the idea that “all it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to look on and do nothing”.

Since that film first came out (2002), other films or TV series have come out with alternate versions of the idea, the The Wheel of Time series being a current example (spoiler alert)—people who refuse to acknowledge their own corrupt role in mass suffering are doomed to repeat the cycle over and over until they learn to change, but won’t change, and instead try to literally ‘break’ the wheel of reincarnation. They won’t evolve, refuse to do the hard work necessary to overcome the problem, and repeatedly miss out on the rewards of having and experiencing a more meaningful existence.


Along that same vein, our continued failure to recognize the role of corruption in both evolutionary purpose and its ideals, ultimately means the repetition of anti-evolutionary actions. If that trend continues to spiral out of control, humanity has no future. How could it?

Thirteen years ago, when I first started to educate the public about the reality of our situation, one of the most bewildering things I repeatedly encountered, was how often my warnings were met with endless excuses to do nothing to stop it: “We don’t actually have to do anything to change our situation, we just have to think happy thoughts,” or “the faithful will get raptured out of here before the real suffering begins,” or “there’s too many good people to let that happen,” or “what you resist only persists so you just have to accept it,” or “we’ve got to fulfill the book,” or “my New Age guru said all we need to do is raise our vibration to ascend to the 5th dimension”. How anyone’s life purpose and ideals could become so corrupted as to profess such nonsense in the face of so much suffering, but still be able to look their children in the eyes without hidden shame, is beyond this author’s understanding.

Still, I’m not here to personally shame anyone for it, rather I’m explaining the consequential and inevitable outcome of it, because change is still possible. Possible, and very much needed. Failure to understand the true cause of unnecessary suffering in the world, or ignoring it completely, is not ‘spiritual enlightenment’ or personal and collective evolution. It’s the path to repeating mistakes so grave, the mighty vultures are circling us, too gluttonous to see we are all circling the drain.


It’s one thing for a single individual’s purpose for being, to become so misguided and distorted, they’ve taken to ‘proclaiming’ that people are nothing more than “soulless… hackable animals,” but it’s another thing entirely, to watch millions of people behave like it.

There was a time, in the distant past, when nearly every religion on the planet included the reality of reincarnation in their doctrine, including Christianity. Corruption has removed that understanding wherever possible because it isn’t politically expedient to tyrants and dictators whose coming to power depends on exploiting the irrational fear of “this is all there is”. People who genuinely understand the reality of the soul are not afraid to do what is right, because they are neither driven nor paralyzed by the fear of permanent death. Rather than obsess with getting whatever they can for themselves, however they can, in the ‘now’, they will consider the future potentials of everyone. Rather than rape, destroy and steal, they will protect, create, and make personal sacrifices so our children can have a better future.

This author has repeatedly observed the schism between people who will say they believe they have an immortal soul, yet their actions, especially in extreme circumstances, rarely reflect that belief—including Pastors. This moved me so much, that my first book (2009) included numerous references and resources to modern-day proof the soul exists, including entire books on case studies of children who not only remember their past lives, but often, around the age of two, will ask their new families to return them to their old ones. They know the names of their previous family members, and where they lived. In cases where the children weretaken ‘home’, some of the family members they referred to were still living and recognized by the child.


The short answer is yes, at least through the application of common sense, when it’s combined with morals and ethics. Aside from psychologically abusing the youth by repeatedly insisting they only have “10 more years to live” (unless they kneel to agenda under the phony guise of saving the planet) the other abusive idea being planted by the elite is that morals come from religion, and God is a bigot. Both are logical fallacies suited to agenda, and the following conceptual perspective proves that out.

Roughly twenty years ago, I became so disturbed by what was taking place in the world, out of desperation to understand what was really happening, I began to mediate and pray, asking for clarity. To my astonishment, not only did I get answers, but I got them every night in dreams, for roughly nine months. What I ultimately learned, was why the six previous lineages of mankind came to catastrophic ends, and how we were not only following that same road, but were almost at the end of it. Readers can learn more about that in the SACRED SCIENCE section or from previous radio interviews, but this realization was so startling, I seriously wondered if the hour was late enough that it was time to leave records behind for the next lineage—warnings of what not to do—of how not to repeat our same mistakes over again. Moreover, I actually began the process of doing it.

When contemplating what to say, it soon occurred to me that I would have to choose my words very carefully. Not out of fear for getting it wrong, but rather out of fear for being too precise. I couldn’t include things like, “don’t allow caste systems to develop or the few will be able to control the many,” or “don’t allow usury to develop, or again the few can control the many”.

The reason I couldn’t give extremely detailed warnings, is because I couldn’t foresee the personal nature of the people who would first come across it—would they be wise or selfish? Would they use it as a step-by-step playbook to take control of their own population, instead of heed the warnings? Would my good intentions end up being responsible for the repetition of the past, or would it be used responsibly? Would I errantly doom the next lineage to failure with an extremely detailed account of what went wrong here, by re-introducing concepts of failure, that they may not have come up with on their own, if I hadn’t first given them the idea?!

Long-time listener/readers will know, this author considers the risk so real, and so great, that I even believe it’s already happened once—to us. At this point it’s common knowledge among seasoned reality-miners the chamber underneath the Great Sphinx in Egypt was created by a former lineage, containing records of what happened before, for us. The problem is that a corrupt elite found them before good people did, then hid it from the public—like they do all archeological finds of similar significance—because they absolutely intended to misuse the knowledge.

But if the risk of being precise is too great to take, what has to be done instead? How do you explain what happened, without actually explaining what happened?! Principles—you share preventative principles instead of details. This same technique was applied to my dreams in helping me build new neural pathways, so I decided to do the same.

This first took the form of something I called the 20 Principles of Peace—basic social, moral, and ethical rules that, if followed, would prevent and pre-empty anyone from gaining the kind of control the ‘elite’ of today exercise over the population. But 20 principles is still a lot, even redundant on some level. In reality, there are only around 10 major principles, that if followed, would foster and maintain peace: Don’t lie (bear false witness), don’t steal, don’t cheat, don’t covet, don’t rape, don’t murder, don’t enslave, don’t commit adultery, don’t allow usury, honor your mother and father, and treat others with the same respect you would want to be treated with…I’m sure you see where I’m going with this, keeping in mind that “God” was never once mentioned in that story.

Common sense alone tells us why those simple principles, if kept and not corrupted, would be wise and transformative to a civilization. We don’t need dogmatic threats of ‘our souls burning in a lake of fire for all eternity’, to know that nobody wants to live in world where rape, murder, theft, enslavement, adultery, disrespect and false accusations are the norm. When those ideals fall victim to politics and power struggles, that corruption clearly leads to a level of societal decay in which we may feel compelled to add, “don’t defecate, urinate, or shoot-up crack on public sidewalks”.

So yes, in that respect alone, good can be accomplished without a God in the mix, but that perspective is extremely limiting to our endless human potential as beings with immortal souls. Outside of religious circles and dogma, our continued evolution and increasing sophistication as a species, also necessarily requires a well developed understanding of Intelligent Design—something we suffer greatly for not understanding, because we can neither work with it to achieve greater health and abundance, nor can we understand when it’s been weaponized against us. This realization inevitably brings us face-to-face with the understanding that an intelligent design requires intelligence to be well constructed—and that requires an intelligent designer. Today we call that God. This design is not just intelligent, it is wise, and we become wiser in our quest to understand and work with it.

In our ignorance of its reality and functions, we may come to be considered “hackable animals” by those who do understand it (while simultaneously claiming it doesn’t exist) and plan to use it against us. Those considerations are before we ever try to explain how people can remember past lives, be prescient, psychic, become remote viewers, or get information in their dreams. As they say, “the world is full of magical things waiting patiently for our wits to grow sharper”. It’s only when we begin to contemplate the grand design, its true purpose and function, our role in it, and indeed the designer, that we can sharpen those wits adequately enough to oblige.

The individual does not need religion, most of which has been corrupted, to establish a relationship with God, to try to understand ‘what all of this is for’. In fact, before science was politicized to suit agenda, every great scientist throughout history—science being the method of acquiring a more accurate understanding of life and creation in general—were all confronted with the reality, and therefore acceptance of, an intelligent designer being behind it all; that ‘life’ never could have happened any other way. Not because life is so complex, but because it’s perfectly and intelligently ordered, in that complexity.

For clarity, imagine yourself as a five-year-old child, sitting on your bedroom floor, playing with legos. Suddenly, as open-minded and wondrous children often do, you wonder where legos actually come from—who built them?! You skip excitedly into the kitchen, and curiously ask, “Mommy, where do legos come from?” To which your mother looks down at you, smiles gently and replies sweetly, “Why sweetheart, they just exploded out of nothing one day.” Even a child knows the idea is ludicrous, yet millions of adults accept the equally ridiculous “big bang” exploding everything out of nothing, from nothing, as the entire basis of creation! You’ll notice the use of “Mommy” there, not “birthing person.” Drowning in absurdity indeed.


First and foremost, I have only come across one human being, in our entire lineage, who could precisely explain, in great detail, who is responsible for nearly every level of mass suffering in the world, bringing it to full ruin in the process—that man was Antony Sutton. This author cannot over emphasize how important that knowledge is, to ending the world-wide crisis threatening to end all life as we know it. That information was detailed in a Part 2 of an article series that can be found HERE, and out of necessity, because it’s vital to understanding why we’re going in circles instead of moving forward, we’ll come back to that in a moment.

The reason they need (not just want) to remove “God” from our lives, from this author’s perspective, has never been more obvious: he’s sitting in their chair. It’s not enough to become your new forever-leaders, no. They’re after Godhood, and if we can’t understand how they plan to accomplish this, how they’ve worked behind the scenes for hundreds of years to undermine any other outcome for the human race, we will all perish under their continued delusions of grandeur in remaking the world in their own image; building their new world on the ashes of your old one, by any means necessary. That they want to become your new gods is meant to be taken quite literally, not metaphorically. We would do well to really grasp that, and the signs are everywhere, preparing and conditioning us for it, from social credit scoring and Central Bank Digital Tracking Currencies, to movies like The Circle, starring Emma Watson.

To fully appreciate how that was conveyed in The Cirlce, we have to understand what God is and means to billions of people: an omnipotent overseer. Not just an overseer that sees everything you have ever done, but also the judge, deciding whether the soul is worthy of eternal life in the kingdom of heaven—what the Bible refers to as “the book of life”. In The Circle (spoiler alert!), actress Emma Watson is struggling with the idea that a large tech company wants constant surveillance of everything people do. She’s not a fan of the idea, until she finds herself in a life-and-death situation in which her life is ultimately only saved due to the mass surveillance network. In the end she explains, “she’s a better version of herself knowing she’s being watched all the time”. This is precisely what billions of Christians around the world believe about God—they’re better versions of themselves knowing God is always watching. But the ultimate exercise in hubris to replace God doesn’t stop there.

At this point, given that nearly every film or series produced today is in reality a youth marketing campaign for their agenda, and nearly all of them are pushing the ‘mass surveillance–microchip–upload your consciousness’ narrative, it’s not hard to graph out where this goes. As our new gods replace the old one, consequently removing any idea of the ‘soul’ in the process, only people whose social credit scores indicate they are obeying and worshipping their new gods correctly, will get to have their “consciousness” uploaded to the ‘book of life’ central computer, and live forever.

It’s an obscene, appalling and cheap knock-off of the real thing. No better than a cheap BBQ grill made in China, that looks new and shiny on the outside, but literally melts when you start a fire in it (that’s actually a thing). A useless imitation, not to mention extreme waste of time, money, and resources—if human evolution is really the goal. From the standpoint of the vastness of creation, it is not wise, nor intelligent.

The child didn’t create the legos, he can only reassemble or reconfigure them based on his imaginings—he is not the original Creator. In their quest for Godhood, they have ignored this truth, which means their goal is only attainable, if you ignore it too. They did not create the weather, they can only manipulate it. They did not create your body, they can only re-engineer it to their own specifications. They did not create the moon, they can only bomb it–and so they did. They did not create the cosmos, nor the earth—they can only destroy it, while attempting dominion over it. Their reach has extended well beyond their grasp, and if that level of anti-evolutionary corruption of self and purpose is allowed to continue, we will all pay the price. For the seventh time. We’re already paying for it, dearly, all over the earth.


Religion, politics, science, physics, love, purpose, family, sex, evolution, safety, money, agriculture, security, truth, perspective, food, air, water, weather, healthcare, language, culture, art, mind, body, perceptions of reality, have all become corrupted to one degree or another. Worse, we’ve done all of this before. We’ve been here—right here at this exact moment—six times, in previous lineages/versions of ourselves, confronted with the same struggle. A struggle we have never conquered. Each time there were people just like me, warning people just like you, how this will end if we can’t find the courage to fix it—if we can’t first understand what broke it. Maybe I was the reader back then, and you were the writer. Maybe I was the one telling people all they had to do was nothing but smile and think happy thoughts, and maybe you were the one disgusted by that. Maybe I was a slave, and you owned me. Maybe you were the slave, and I owned you. Even history has been exceedingly corrupted by agenda. The past is a place the future was meant to learn from, not live in.

On our journey forward, only when we know what really happened in the past, can we determine if we’ve lost our way—are we going in circles? This is precisely why the Antony Sutton material on the Capitalist Communist Conspiracy is so, so important to know and understand. Millions of mal-educated youth–and others—around the world, are rightfully looking for new ways to build a better future, but they’re looking in all the wrong places—places we’ve been before. The hour is late in more ways and places than one. Going in circles isn’t an option anymore, which means its never been more imperative to understand that socialist and communist models were brought to the world by those seeking dominion over it. This was exceedingly well-documented by Sutton, yet very few people in the world know this—they don’t know true history. The only “social problems” those models were ever meant to solve, was the problem of free people with free market societies, standing in their way. Below is a brief paragraph from Part Two of the SKULLS, BONES, CHARLOTTE’S WEB, TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS & SOCIALIST CORPORATIONS: THE CAPITALIST COMMUNIST CONSPIRACY:


For people unfamiliar with this history, the term “capitalist communist conspiracy” appears contradictory and almost nonsensical. In reality however, Sutton’s choosing of the title is extremely apt. All of this—small wars, financial wars, world wars, resets, the new world order—is driven by banking families who prefer communist societies, and who ARE the ‘capitalists’ funding it all.

To that end, they practice an extreme form of Vulture Capitalism—it feeds on death—the death of everyone and everything that stands in their way, including people, ideas, religions, sovereign nation states, free people, and free market competitionThis includes WWI, WW2, Vietnam, attempts to create WWIII, war with Russia, war with China, war with Iran, and planned-demics that force all of their smaller, free market competitors to shutter their doors to the public and go bankrupt, while they in turn make record profits.

The Antony Sutton, Eustace Mullins, and Charlotte Iserbyt TRIFECTA of painstakingly well-document historical knowledge is missing from every new societal model being considered—this is a grave error. A mistake we can’t afford to make.


As an American, I freely admit I don’t particularly like that idea, especially given that so much of my work is meant to help you become your own leader; to avoid the trappings of psyops and mindless Gurus. Given the state of our youth, it’s impossible to make the claim that Americans remain the brightest of the bunch, so pinning the world’s hopes on that alone is pure folly. What we do have going for us however—the one thing the elite absolutely have to crush in their quest for Godhood—the one thing that has the power to overcome them, is a Constitutional Republic. It is not a democracy. Democracy is mob rule, allowing 51% to rule the other 49%. America’s constitution was specifically constructed to prevent that. When you hear globalist mouthpieces get on television and accuse political rivals of trying to interfere with “their” Democracy, now you fully appreciate what they’re actually saying.

What becomes exceedingly obvious via Sutton’s lifelong research, among other things, is that “democracy” is the wrong term for a “free society”. Free societies are FREE MARKET societies. Every war this planet has ever seen, was started by Capitalist Communists for the sole purpose of destroying free societies through the corruption and destruction of their free markets. The difference between Constitutional Capitalism and Capitalist Communists is night vs. day. Capitalist Communists practice Morte Capitalism—it feeds on death. Constitutional Capitalism is the complete opposite. Below is a comparison chart for those who haven’t read the Sutton material in Part Two:


Moreover, America’s Constitutional Republic goes far above and beyond protecting a free-market society. The most important ‘minority’ under this social governance contract, is the individual-–regardless of race, sex, religion, or creed. It was meant to put the individual’s right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—the right to be freeabove all else. The founders of this unique social contract understood corruption at a level most people today can’t comprehend. The founders studied 700 years of historical tyrannical corruption, as well as Natural Law (intelligent design), and attempted to create a governing system that would prevent it from happening here. Today’s youth—and largely the adult population as well—haven’t studied seven honest days of historical tyranny, and know almost nothing about natural law and intelligent design. But why—why don’t people know? What happened? The same thing that always happens. Corruption. The corruption of evolutionary ideals. This corruption, left unchecked, affects everything, especially education.


Part One of the Capitalist Communist Conspiracy series featured Eustace Mullins. Readers who watched the embedded Mullins interview heard him state the elite, through secret societies, secretly replaced the original Articles of Confederation. He also explained the elite (Capitalist Communists) intended to break America up into smaller pieces, even selling some it off to other countries, like Russia. In the previous article here called WHAT DO WE DO?—DEEP STATE HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT & THE BROWN ROBE PROPHECIES, we looked at ways the United States is already beginning to weaken in that regard. The Brown Robe prophecies forecasted this, with some states even seceding from the union, but it remains this author’s belief that any moves in that direction will be orchestrated by the elite, and unless we’re absolutely sure that isn’t the case, it should be prevented.

Not just for America, but for the world, because the fact remains that the greatest governing social contract ever written in our lineage—taking into FULL account the reality of God, the immortal soul, and Natural Law/Intelligent Design—is the only thing standing in the way of the catastrophic full implementation of your new gods’ world order. The feverish scurrying about of youth, all over the world (whose education was corrupted by Capitalist Communists) in looking for a “better way” to govern, have lost the plot. Entirely.

The evolutionary ideal of “equality and justice for all” they’re desperately searching for, has been right in front of them this whole time. It’s already here, and because of corruption, we’re seriously on the verge of losing it. If you really believe that if America goes, so does everyone else, then ending the grotesque corruption of those evolutionary ideals—both here and elsewhere—is the only way to guarantee our collective futures. I remind you beautiful souls again, that excuses like, “all I have to do is meditate and think happy thoughts for things to change,” didn’t cut it then, and it won’t work now. Similar cop-outs of “there’s too many good people to let that happen,” are just as meaningless, while you refuse to be one of them. There’s no such thing as a government for and by a people who refuse the responsibility of keeping it free from corruption. There are no shortcuts—the only way out is through. We can’t fix, restore, or heal any wound or problem, if we don’t first understand and identify the corrupting influence, and remove it from the body. Humanity can no longer continue to participate in their own demise out of ignorance (PIOODOOI), and escape that demise at the same time.

Below is the testimony of an ex-banker turned whistle-blower, explaining exactly what he did for the ‘elite’ (capitalist communists)—how we was one of them—until they asked him to ritually sacrifice a child. That was only one child. Capitalist Communists, in their insane quest for Godhood, plan on sacrificing billions of God’s children, to reach their goal. Unless you’re willing to kneel in reverence while they take everything you have—including your voice and free will—that includes you. This is reality, we have to face it, and it’s going to take a lot more than good intentions to correct it.

What comes next in November, the final part of the SKULLS, BONES, CHARLOTTE’S WEB, TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS & SOCIALIST CORPORATIONS: THE CAPITALIST COMMUNIST CONSPIRACY article series, explains how the education system was infiltrated, and what it planned to turn all of our children into. I won’t lie, it’s going to be a tough read—even with as much as many of you brilliant reality-miners already know, it’s still going to hurt, and be shocking. All this author asks of you is to properly understand it, for the purpose of correcting it and then preventing any future repetition of it, and to remember, it’s always darkest before the dawn.

God bless you and your loved ones, and may God continue to bless an America still committed to upholding Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness, and Justice for All.


Humanity once again stands at a most important fork in the road; a moment exhilarating and exasperating, liberating and terrifying—may we have the wisdom and moral fortitude to choose the path of countless wonders.”

–Crystal Clark


  1. There is another shorter interview by Roland Bernard as part of an extremely disturbing video by StopWorld Control found on Odessy @hipsterious – StopWorldControl – THE MYSTERY OF ISRAEL – SOLVED!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I don’t use Odessy much because the videos can’t be embedded, and people won’t click on links alone. I did watch several different interviews of him, from different sources though, and settled on this for several reasons, including the entities he named at the highest levels, which included the Church near the top. It’s extremely important to human evolution to have God in our lives, but the church has become so corrupt, it’s now agenda driven—most now devoted to fleecing their flocks before serving them up to the new Capitalist Communist order of hubris. This is especially true for churches infiltrated by Zionism, something James Horak pointed to often: Christians are being told that Israel is God’s “chosen” people, not you—but you can *serve* them instead. Very corrupt, and very sad. It’s so bad, that today, many Christians think Jesus was himself a Jew. He was not—he was an Essene. Thanks for your comments Joy.


  2. What an incredible confession by Roland Bernard. I suppose the only reason he is still alive is because he does not name names.

    Years ago, I bought “The Illuminati the cult that has hijacked the world” by Henry Makow. It was the first time I had ever heard of Satanism and the, so called “elites” being Satanic. I had a hard time believing it, in fact I didn’t, but gradually such a reality has become all too evident.

    Thank you for the excellent work you do.

    Liked by 1 person

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